Monday, 9 January 2017

In Search Of My Prince Charming

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 The following is my experiment with prose-poetry. Please feel free to discuss symbolism in the comments section.

In Search of My Prince Charming

 I wandered through a forest so dark,
 that I knew not if it was night or day.
 Over hills and vales I went, and through rivulets in spate.
 I knew not what time t'was, what week, month or day
 many a seasons went by of hot humid days, of rains and cold clammy days

 I wandered through the forest of gloom
 with nary a ray of hope in sight.
 Trees there were of many fruits, of nuts, pomes and berries so sour
 but, behind each fruit lurked creatures of wile ready to strike
 with fangs so long, dripping with venom , disease and gall

Ores there were of gold, copper and silver  
 their purpose to weigh me down, to tarry my flight.
Glades there were a few, with sunshine that was but pale,
with grass so green and soft but betwixt the blades were thistles and thorns.
At night when the sun went down,
wolves and vultures waited round the glade.

Weary of my ramblings through the forest so dark and foreboding,
I yearned for my knight in shining armor, to carry me to the land of promise.
By some luck I chanced upon the path that shone with the light of faith,
at its end , the forest broke opening up to a great big lake,  

 so still like glass it was, dark as the darkest of nights.
Everywhere that my eye could see, was water that seemed to touch the sky.
 I sat on the shore weary of my flight, hungry and with tears in my eyes.
 Oh! What will I do? Is there no way to the land of my prince?  

 I know not how to wade and know not the depth of the sea,   
 I know not what fearsome creatures lurk beneath the watery depths  
 waiting to grab those who brave the sea   

  Yonder where the lake met the sky, there emerged a line like a silver crack,   
  from it there appeared, a white spec that seemed like a shining star, 
  bright it was against the velvety dark and as it came nearer,  
  I saw t’was a bird with beautiful plumes.  
 White it was all over with a glow that broke through the darkness. 
 It glided through the water with ease, nearer it came as if to speak.  

 Oh thou with beautiful quills, so soft but strong! Why thou cometh near me? 
 Do ye have a  message from my prince?  Or know of a way out of here?
 Oh fair maiden, it spake, are thou weary of the darkness? ‘fraid of the woeful forest?
 Do thou seek thy knight, to take ye yonder to the land of peace?  
 Oh my feathered friend with beautiful wings, tell me, have thee met my prince? 
 Speak the glories of my prince, to ease the distress I feel.

  Hear oh fair maiden, His glories are but many. 
 Do thou see the silvery line in the East?  
 Fear not but the sun is near to bring warmth and good cheer.
 What shall I tell thee about thy prince, the handsomest of all men and Gods. 
 There is none who is taller than He for He stands taller than this Universe
 This cosmos was measured by He in under three strides 
 and for a beauty spot, wears He this Earth on His cheek.

  He is darker than the new-moon night on a starless sky,
 and darker than the rain-bearing clouds. Just looking at Him quenches the heat we feel.  
 He is richer than the richest of men, angels or Gods for,  
 He owns all that we see and also all that is unseen.
 He is stronger than strength itself and held a mountain for a brolly
 to protect men , women and kine from the rain of icy stones
 He gives vigor to strength itself and light to the Sun, Moon and the stars 

 Sing His names and He will come to thee,
 Sing His names for He be the only one who can take thee away from this murky sphere,
 Sing His names to fill thee heart with warmth and good cheer,  
 Sing His names to dispel fear. Worry not for daybreak is near.

  Oh ye swan of beautiful plumes, tell me, will He come to me? 
 Will one so splendid, fetching, and great, come to me, the one in need? 
 Me a waif, weary with sorrow, with no possession in my name.
 All I have is this life and even that is not mine; 
 for,  tell me, my feathered-friend, doesn’t one who owns the cosmos own me too?   

  Oh damsel no need to worry  the prince is not without mercy.  
 In a lake like this one, caught in the jaws of a croc was the king of elephants. 
  For a thousand years he fought the croc with no sign of victory. 
 Tired at last he trumpeted thy prince’s name for help. 
 And Lo! Thy prince appeared atop the bird with golden wings,
 freed He the elephant king from the jaws of death itself!
 Befriended He a poor huntsman, a monkey king and the kin of a fiend 
 He walked this Earth to save a maiden so fear not, He will come to thee.   

  Oh ye swan tell me this, who be this maiden He saved?
 If His heart is Hers what use is it, to call His name to come to me?
 If She be His love of life, what use is it, to love my prince?

 Worry not my dear lass for She be the one who gives Him charm 
The golden maiden sits next to His heart and reigns Him to save us all
 Jealous She is not with no sign of bitterness in Her soul.
 She  is sweeter than nectar, makes Him our elixir ,
 and rests She does not  till He hath saved us all.  
Call Him, the one who is with Sri the only one to free us all.

  Joy to thee when you are free for, in His world there is no fear. 
  No sin there is nor old age, no death nor is there grief.
  In His world there is no room for hunger nor thirst.
 In His abode of enjoyment all good wishes come true.

 Tell me dear maiden, are thee ready to leave?  
 Are thee ready to call thee prince?  Give thy headdress to me, to carry to thy prince. 
 He knows of thee and sent me to thee.
 He sent me here to talk to thee, to bring ease to thee tortured mind.

  Oh the one with beautiful plumes, take this my diadem to Him but,
 what shall I do when ye be gone? Ye the only one who sang His praise be gone? 
 What shall I do till ye return, for alone I  feel my sorrow.

 Dear lass, look around thee, many feathered friends are around thee.
 With plumes of green and beaks so red, they will sing to thee His divine praise. 
 Worry not for when the Sun is here, He shall come atop the golden bird. 
 With these words the bird took off to bring to me my charming prince.
 Wait I hath not for long, after the bird sailed like the Moon across the sky, 
 The golden lights of the Sun arose to chase the shadows away.
 With the Sun came the golden bird bringing to me the prince of mine,  
 to carry me o’er the sea  to the land of eternal peace.  
