Monday, 27 February 2012

Scientific advancement - Sanatana Dharma contd

The ancient astronomical calculations took into account precession of earth’s axis. Precessional movement can be compared to the wobble experienced by a spinning top when it’s angle of tilt of the axis of rotation is altered. Precession causes a slow change in the zodiac that occurs during the spring/autumn equinoxes as well as the summer and winter solstice. At present spring equinox occurs when the sun rises between the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius. We are slowly moving towards the age of Aquarius when the sun will rise when Aquarius is in the background on the day of the spring equinox. All the twelve constellations get a chance to house the sun during the spring equinox. If the celestial sky is thought to be a circle with the 12 constellations equally distributed around it, each constellation would occupy 30 degrees of the 360 degree circle. It would take 72 years for the earth’s axis to move through 1 degree.  It takes the earth’s axis 2160 years to move through 1 constellation to the other.  This slow change  is accounted for while preparing the  horoscope birth charts. Recently there has been news about change in people’s zodiac sign.  The west had always used tropical year calculations for horoscopes which do not take into account the precesional movement of earth’s axis. They have noticed only now that the alignment of earth’s axis is in a different position and have gone ahead to modify the zodiac dates. It is amazing to note that the vedic priest who did my birth chart as soon as I was born had me down as a Capricorn when the west had me as an Aquarius; the recent change in zodiac dates supports the chart prepared by the vedic priest. Isn’t it amazing that he with the help of the vedic knowledge was aware of the change in the earth’s axis and had meticulously prepared my birth chart correctly by hand without the help of computers and sophisticated software!

To be continued.

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