Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Scientific advancement - Sanatana Dharma contd

 When we think about the Vedic Society we imagine a primitive society nurtured in the bosom of mother nature but contrary to popular beliefs, the Vedic Society was technologically advanced. They had very sophisticated technology but at the same time were spiritually developed. They carried out sustainable development and took good care of mother nature.
Many modern day technologies are mentioned in the ithihasas Ramayana & Mahabharata. The word “ithihasa” means history and the Ramayana and Mahabharata are historical records of events that happened during the Treta & Dwapara yugas. In the Sundara Kanda , book 5 of Ramayana we read that Ravana’s mansion had air conditioners that maintained the building temperature at a preset temperature irrespective of the outside temperature. We also read about his aircraft “ Pushpaka Vimana”. The Mahabharata also gives account of aerial warfare when Salva attacks the city of Dwaraka . The aircraft used was a stealth aircraft that became invisible at times. The vaimanika shastra gives details about different types of aircraft, their uses, the types of fuel to be used and specifies inflight training for the pilots. The arthashashtra of Kautilya includes pilots in his list of tradesmen.. Some of the other manuscripts that mention about aircraft and the air routes are the samarangana sutradhara, Yuktikalpataru of Bhoja and the Vedas. According to the Ramayana King Dasahratha was named so because he could maneuver his chariot in ten directions including up and down. This wouldn’t have been possible unless the chariot is an aircraft. Many puranas also talk about kings making interplanetary trips. In The Mahabharata, Arjuna makes a trip to Indraloka on one spacecraft.

to be continued.

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