Tuesday, 13 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

It should be noted here that though scholars divide the Vedic Civilization into subsequent periods starting with the Rig Vedic period to Yajur, Sama and Atharvana in reality the Vedas were divided into 4 sub divisions during the Dwapara Yuga by Veda Vyasa. There have been almost three yugas during which the Vedas were not divided into 4 but remained as one. Hence, it makes no sense to divide the civilization into different Vedic periods and assign different dates to each period. The Mahabharata confirms the fact that the Vedas were divided by Sage Veda Vyasa.
Satellite image of the dried –up Saraswati river bed and further geological analysis have proved that the Saraswati existed as a perennial river before 3000 B. The Vedas mention the Saraswati to be a mighty flowing perennial river; this implies that the date of the Vedic civilization could be pushed back to before 3000 B.C. We can infer from this that the Vedic civilization must have been in existence long before 3000 B.C as it takes a long time for language to evolve. The language of the Vedas shows a high degree of evolution. The Vedas have the perfect grammatical structure. 

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