Wednesday, 21 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

Geological survey reveals that the continents move constantly. Early on there was one large continent called Pangaea which later on split into two parts; Northern Pangaea (North America and Eurasia) commonly called as Laurasia and  Southern Pangaea (South America, Africa, India , Antarctica, and Australia ) which was called as Gondwanaland. After Pangaea split, Laurasia drifted northward and Gondwanaland drifted southward with the Indian sub-continent closer to the South Pole. The presence of divergent plate boundaries found in the middle of oceans or in the middle of a continent is proof of the existence of the large continent Pangaea. As the fragmented land masses moved away from each other sea water filled up the split and the continents as we know them now were formed. Ice age in Indian subcontinent and North America could be explained if these continents had been inside the polar or circumpolar zone; this would have happened when the Indian sub-continent was part of Gondwanaland. The Indian Sub-Continent was very near the South Pole and was inside the present Antarctic Circle. Refer to the following websites.
It is confirmed that the Indian Sub-continent was close to the South Pole during the Late Permian period which was around 255 MYA ago. There are many Rig Vedic hymns that describe the duration of day and night in the Polar regions. There are also hymns to describe the Polar dawn and other conditions that are unique to the Polar region. A question to explore would be, are the hymns referring to the period when Indian sub-continent was inside the Antarctic Circle or has there been a time in history when the Indian sub-continent was indeed inside the Arctic circle? Could it also be that the Indian sub-continent was inside the Antarctic Circle but there had been a 180 Deg flip in the poles with Antarctica situated at/near the North Pole? Science tells us that a 180 Deg flip in the poles is quite possible. Please refer to the following websites.
In summary, the Rig Vedic hymns which we will examine tomorrow might be referring to a remote point in history when the Indian sub-continent had been inside/near the Polar Regions. If we take it to be referring to the time when the Indian sub-continent was near the South Pole, we get the date for the Vedas in millions of years (Permian period – 255 MYA).  Either the Vedic Hymns are eye witness accounts of Polar conditions or geological studies were advanced enough during the Vedic period to have been able to explore the Polar Regions.

To be continued tomorrow.

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