Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Vedic influence in Egypt

The division of ancient Egyptian society into classes is identical to the caste system of India. The Egyptian temples were built with a veil drawn across the inner sanctum. Even the Egyptian Sphinx was a concept borrowed from the Vedic culture. I read Raja Dikshitar’s articles on the Indian Sphinx today. I realized that the Sphinx is a Vedic concept. They are called Purusamrigha in Sanskrit which mean man-animal. Indian Sphinxes can be found in Siva temples especially in South India; this makes sense because the Egyptians are believed to be connected to South Indians. The Indian sphinxes are placed in front of temple entryway or on top of the entrance tower.  They are believed to remove the negative vibration present in a devotee before the devotee enters the sanctum. Sphinxes are mentioned in the Yajur Veda. There is a story in the Mahabharata that narrates a race between Bhīma and a sphinx. The great sphinx is believed to be older than the great pyramids. It was probably built facing an ancient temple which does not exist now. Water erosion marks found on the sphinx confirm that they are older than the pyramids and built during a time when Egypt enjoyed heavy rainfall. For more information on Indian Sphinx including photos please see the following website.

Refer to below image of the sphinx at The pyramid of Menkaure wearing thiruman (urdhva pundram)

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