Thursday, 1 March 2012

Scientific advancement - Sanatana Dharma contd

The ancient seers understood the effect of sound waves on our environment. The sound is the important aspect of a mantra. Each syllable in a mantra has a unique sound. The loudness of the each syllable in a mantra vary as well.  By proper practice which took many years, they were able to use mantras to affect the surrounding environment. They could make the clouds rain, produce fire by just chanting or conjure objects out of thin air. They could change matter from one form to another and transform objects easily. The vibration caused by sound is the key aspect of mantras. They could bless people with television and radio capabilities. In the Mahabharata, Sanjaya was able to witness the activities in the battlefield from Dritarashtra’s palace in Hastinapura which was miles away from the battle field. Mantras transform matter by using coherence.Coherence is the property of waves that enables stationary interference. The interference can be constructive or destructive. Constructive interference occurs when two interfering waves form a wave of a larger amplitude, destructive interference has the opposite effect. In quantum mechanics all objects have wave-like properties. Every object and particle in nature vibrates. With proper training a person can learn to control his/her mind such that by controlling their vibration such that the difference between mind and matter is lost.By this method the ancient Vedic sages were able to amend matter. They could appear at will at any place, help people by curing diseases , help regrow amputated limbs or organs etc. coherence was also used in war. In the Mahabharata, Ashvatama makes a Brahmastra (modern day nuclear weapon) from a blade of grass and with the help of coherence technology makes it acquire the fetus of Uttara, the daughter-in-law of the Pandavas as target.

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