Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Vedic Influence in Meso America

We know from the ancient Sangam literature that there once was  a large landmass in the Bay of Bengal/Indian Ocean called Ilamuri Desam. There are three Sangam periods and this land mass existed during and prior to the first Sangam period. During the meltdown of the Polar ice caps, the land mass was sugmerged. Three subsequent deluges are described till the king moved the capital to present day Madurai. The people of ancient South India especially of Tamilnadu were proficient in naval warfare and had built huge and sohisticated ships. Their presence can be traced in the far east. The ancient Indians knew that the world was spherical. It is hence easier to suppose that they might have gone sailing past Japan till they reached the Americas. The South Indians belonged to the Vedic civilizations. There  was no split between the Dravidians and the Aryans. The word arya was used to describe nobility or noble character. It was not the name of any tribe. Similarly the word Dravidia does not exist. The theology of both North and South India agree. We can say that the South Indians brought their culture to Meso America. They might have even migrated to the Americas when their own land was submerged. Many of the Meso American deities resemble the village deities of South India.

The Mahabharata mentions that the palace of the Pandavas was built by Asura Maya. There are many refrences to a group of people called Mayas in the ancient texts. Many of the Meso American names for places sound similar to Vedic name. For example, Chetumal sounds like Ketumala, Belize can be pronounced as Bala Isa, in ancient times Gyana was called Aparagyuana; Apara is Sanskrit for West , Guh is to hide and Yana  refers to a place or jouney. Thus Aparagyuana could mean the Western hiding place.

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