Thursday, 25 October 2012

Worlds Richest Temple? Ananthapadmanabha Swamy

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Background Information:

Thiruvananthapuram  is one of the 108 Vaishnavite Divya Desams. The temple is located in Trivandrum the capital city of Kerala. The moolavar is Ananthapadmanabhan in a reclining posture and the Thayar is Sri Hari Lakshmi.
The Theertham is Matsya Theertham
The Vimanam is Hemakooda Vimanam.

According to the sthala puranam Divakara Muni regularly worshipped a salagrama. Once he was enraged to learn that the Salagrama was swallowed by a two-year-old child. The Muni chased the toddler but the child ran to a tree and hid himself behind the tree. The Muni was surprised to find Lord Vishnu appear from the tree in His Vishwaroopa form. The Muni requested the Lord to appear in a smaller form so that the Muni can worship the Lord properly. Thus the Lord took the form of Ananthapadmanabhan. The moolavar in this temple is the largest Perumaal in the reclining posture. He is around 15 feet long Due to His large appearance, He has to be viewed from three entrances of the garbha griha to have complete darshan.

Esoteric Representation of Thiruvananthapuram

The form of Lord Vishnu as Ananthapadmanabhan reveals to us His superior nature. If you refer to the following image, you can see Lord Brahma seated on a lotus appearing from the Lord’s navel. The Lord is also seen to be holding a Shiva Lingam in his right hand. To me the Lord appears to be holding the lingam playfully. Lord’s name “Keshavan” means He is the birth place of both Ka and Esha; Ka is the name for Brahma and Esha the name for Lord Shiva. Lord Ananthapadmanabhan reminds us about the meaning of his name  “Keshavan” at this temple. He is the origin of everything in this Universe and the Lord of both Brahma and Shiva. 
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The Lord is resting on top of the five headed snake Adisesha also known as Ananta. It is said that when Ananta uncoils, creation takes place and when he coils up dissolution takes place. The word “Sesha” means remainder in Sanskrit and refers to that which is left when the Universe is dissolved. Sesha also means servant. Adi Sesha means the first servant or the Lord’s eternal servant. Adisesha is always ready to serve the Lord. He is the Lord’s bed , throne, shoe as well as umbrella. His five heads represent the five elements. As the Lord is resting on Adisesha depicted with five heads, it can be understood that the Lord controls the five elements which form Prakruthi or nature. The five heads of Adisesha also represent our sense organs. At Thiruvananthapuram, the five heads of Adisesha are drawn inward in contemplation. This shows us that by controlling our senses we can focus on the Lord within our heart.

Tiruvananthapuram: The Lost City of Gold

The discovery of buried treasure at Thiruvananthapuram made news recently. There have been mixed feelings about the discovery. The temple is currently run by a trust set-up by the Royal Family of Travancore. The Maharajahs of Travancore belonged to the Chera dynasty. They were the descendants of the great saint Kulashekhara Alwar. The Maharajah of Travancore bears the title, "Sree Padmanabhadasa’ (Servant of Lord Padmanabha).Most of the treasure uncovered at the temple was donated to the Lord by the Royal Family of Travancore. It was preserved safely to be used to perform service to the Lord when the temple faces financial crisis. The Government of Kerala is trying to gain control over the treasure and there is an ongoing dispute between the Royal Family and the Government.

Communism Rears Its Ugly Head!

There are many people who feel that the treasure must be removed from the temple to be used as public property. We all know that this can never happen; the general public  will be mislead to believe that the temple property is used to improve the conditions of the common man while the riches will land in the pockets of rich private collectors. If the people feel that the Lord who is the master of this universe is not entitled to retain the treasures and must donate the riches to promote communism then should this not be applicable to other mortal billionaires on earth? Why is it that we are ready to take riches from the Lord but we do not ask billionaires to do the same? If we believe in communism then we should may be start with all the richest people in the world and ask them to donate everything they own to benefit the common citizens.

True Capitalists Evade The Radar Of Communism!

The following is the list of the richest people on planet earth.
Carlos Slim and family  - 69 billion US dollars
Bill Gates – 61 billion US dollars
Warren Buffet  - 44 billion US dollars
The Vatican – 10 to 15 billion dollars
Mukesh Ambani 21000 million US dollars

From the above list we can easily see that Lord Ananthapadmanabhan does not even make third on the list! The Vatican has as much net worth as the temple of Lord Ananthapadmanabhan ; how can it be fare that we demand money only from Lord Ananthapadmanabhan and not from the Vatican ? This is taking advantage of the peaceful nature of Hindus.

In reality the treasures have been donated by the Royal Family of Travancore and only they should have control over the riches. If Carlos Slim and his family can own 69 billion US dollars’ worth of estate why shouldn’t the Royal Family of Travancore possess a mere 20 billion US dollars? Since the colonial period the Europeans have robbed the various Indian Royal families. It is time to put a stop to such robberies. As the private owner of the treasure, the Kings of Travancore had every right to donate to the Lord. Private collectors all over the world spend their money like water to collect the most expensive diamond or desire to own more than 7000 expensive cars like the Sultan of Brunei. The crown jewels of England contain the famous Kohinoor diamond & the Hope diamond both of which have been forcefully taken from India ; the priceless Kohinoor diamond is valued at 12.7 billion Euro! The hope diamond is worth anywhere from $200-$250 million US dollars! In a private auction, the famous Sancy diamond which was also taken from India during the colonial period was sold to a private collector at ten million US dollars!
The world’s most expensive cell phones are the Diamond Crypto Smart phone at 1.3 million US dollars, GoldVish ‘Le Million’ Piece Unique at 1.3 million US dollars, Peter Aloisson’s Kings Button iPhone 2.4 million US dollars, Goldstriker iPhone 3GS Supreme at 3.2 million US dollars and the Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition at 8 million US dollars! Has anyone ever given thoughts about the estate of the owners of these phones? What must be the net worth of their estate if they can spend millions of dollars on something frivolous as a cell phone?

Communists Stop Targeting East Indian Maharajas and Paramatma!

If we allow the billionaires to use their money to fulfill their selfish desires instead of uplifting the common man then we should definitely allow the Royal family of Travancore to retain the treasures to perform service to the Lord. Performing service to the Lord is an honourable deed and the good karma generated by this will definitely work for the benefit of everyone. The funds from the temple are used to pay a salary to the Brahmin priest and other people who are employed by the temple authorities. In this day and age the most neglected of all communities is the Brahmin community as a result of the stigma associated to them. They are hardly paid and are pushed into a dark world of poverty. It is very unfair to hold the Brahmins alone responsible for the cast discrimination. Please refer to my previous posts about the caste system for further detail.

The temple should definitely retain the treasures within its walls. If a religious institution like the Vatican can have an estate worth 15 to 20 billion dollars (this is a conservative estimate; the real value is estimated at 292 billion US dollars!) I don’t see why the temple of Lord Ananthapadmanabhan should not be allowed to hold 20 billion dollars. While the funds from the Vatican are used in unwanted proselytizing efforts and create nuisance to people of other cultures, the funds from the temple will be used to truly serve the Lord if and when the temple faces financial crisis. If we state that the funds should be considered as the property of the Royal family of Travancore then we definitely cannot prohibit the Royal family from owning such a large estate as, individuals like Carlos Slim and Bill Gates own roughly three times the net worth of what was discovered in the temple! 

Suggested Reading:

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