Wednesday 23 January 2013

Thirupavai Pasuram 22

Lord Ranganathar - Sri Rangam

In this pasuram Piratti teaches us about the proper way to worship Perumal.
‘We have come to you after abandoning thoughts about “I and mine”. We have come to you like Vibhishana who came to you after completely abandoning Lanka. Even if you hadn’t accepted Him, Vibhishana would have never returned to lanka. He never wanted the kingdow of Lanka but you forced him to accept it.’
Piratti says that the girls have gathered at Perumal’s door step like a king who has abandoned his property. This is because it is very difficult for a rich man to give up on his property than it is for a poor man. Once, a man asked Parasara Bhattar why Lord Brahma who is always involved in bakthi Yogam does not reach Sri Vaikuntham before a Sri Vaishnavite. Bhattar replied that Lord Brahma being the foremost among all the jeevatmas is responsible for all the worlds. Because of his elevated position it is difficult for him to give up on all of his privileges and properties in order to approach the Lord whereas a Sri Vaishnavite has very little to give up compared to Lord Brahma. Kings have proprietorship over beautiful lands and it is difficult for them to lose ego that they own such beautiful lands. Hence it is very great if a king abandons his ego completely. Therefore Piratti compares the girls to a king who has abandoned his ego. Duryodana and Arjuna approached Lord Krishna to seek His help in the upcoming war. Lord Krishna knew that they would be arriving. He removed every single chair from His bed chamber all except one throne placed behind His head board and a small foot stool place near His foot board. He instructed His guards to allow anyone inside His chamber while He was sleeping. He then pretended to sleep and Duryodana arrived first. As Duryodana entered the chamber He pitied himself for having to seek the help of a Yadava like Lord Krishna. Feeling arrogant that he was superior to the Lord, Duryodana occupied the throne behind the Lord’s head board. Very soon Arjuna entered. Arjuna did not notice Duryodana but as soon as he entered he saw the Lord’s beautiful feet and therefore stood humbly near the Lord’s footboard. The Lord after making sure that Arjuna has arrived opened His eyes and as His eyes first fell on Arjuna, He welcomed him. Duryodana immediately objected stating that he had arrived before Arjuna. Lord Krishna replied that as He had first seen Arjuna, He would first offer the choice to Arjuna. The Lord asked Arjuna to choose between Lord Krishna’s strong military consisting of 9 crore units on one side and Lord Krishna Himself who will not fight in the war on the other side. To Duryodana’s delight, Arjuna chose the Lord over His military units.
Lord Krishna asked Arjuna why he had chosen the Lord knowing very well that He wouldn’t wield any weapons during the war. Arjuna stated that he wished to be praised as a great warrior. If Lord Krishna fought in the war, all the poets would only praise the Lord but if the Lord stayed by Arjuna, Arjuna would be able to be victorious in the war due to the grace of Krishna as well as gain praise for being a victorious warrior. Thus Arjuna asked Lord Krishna to be his charioteer so that he can always be near Krishna. Lord Krishna accepted the position happily and since Arjuna had sought the Lord’s help with humility after abandoning ego the Lord took care of every single task including grooming the horses and feeding them which were not usually performed by a charioteer. This incident is indicated by the Azhwar pasuram kuda disai mudi vaithu. It is best to stand near the Lord’s feet (to the east) than to stand near the Lord’s thirumudi.
Thondaradipodi Azhwar's Thirumaalai Pasuram

Piratti then asked Perumal to open His eyes in gradual steps to look at the girls. ‘Please look at us with your eye lids lined with a beautiful red line which reflect your love for us.’
‘Look at us like both the Sun and the Moon. Look at our sins with scorching heat of Sun to destroy our sins while casting cool moon like glances on us ‘
This is similar to a stain remover used to remove stains without harming the fabric.
‘Slowly open your eyes and look into our eyes!’
A match between a groom & bride is approved only if there is a sparkle in their eyes when they look at each other. This is indicated in this pasuram since the girls wish to marry Perumal.
After wedding the Sesha Homam is performed before sun Rise while manthram is chanted and the bride and groom are asked to look into each other’s eyes while stating that, ‘I saw you with my mind’s eye and know that you are of good character. I will fulfill your wishes.’
The Sesha Homam is performed in the early morning hours since at night when we sleep we are united with Perumal as according to the Upanishads we sleep on the mattress called Perumal. Since in the early morning we come from Him we tend to be of good character. This is applicable only for the night time sleep as prescribed by shastras and not applicable for afternoon naps.
The ladies mentioned to Perumal, ‘please free us from all sapam.’
Sapam is the sin which must be experienced while papam is the sins which need not be experienced. Perumal has only made a promise to destroy papams therefore the girls intelligently ask Him to destroy their sapam as if sapam is destroyed papams are also destroyed automatically.
‘How should I destroy your sapam? Should I use my sweat, Piratti’s kataksham, foot dust or by making you take a dip in a sacred water body?’
‘Please use all the means listed by you on us!’
Perumal removed the sapam of Lord Siva with His sweat. Lord Siva was affected by Brahmahathi dosham after cutting off the fifth head of Lord Brahma. Lord Siva was cursed by Brahma to wander with the skull stuck to his palm seeking alms in the skull. Lord Brahma said that the skull would fall off his palms only when the bikshai received overflows the skull. Lord Siva asked his wife Annapoorani to fill the skull and even she wasn’t able to overflow the skull with her bikshai. After wandering here and there, Lord Siva went to Badrikashramam where Perumal was meditating. As soon as he asked Perumal to help him, Perumal scratched His chest with His nails and used His blood and sweat to fill the skull. As soon as Perumal’s blood and sweat was offered in the skull the skull reduced in size and fell off of Lord Siva’s hand.
Durvasar cursed Devendran that he would lose his wealth. To help Devendran, Perumal churned the milky ocean and Piratti came out of it. As soon as she occupied Perumal’s vakshasthalam she glanced at Devendran and he immediately regained his lost wealth.
Ahalya was cursed by Sage Gautamar because she wasn’t loyal to her husband Sage Gautamar. Her curse was relieved when Perumal touched her with His feet. We too like Ahalya go against our husband. The husband of all is Perumal and we cheat Him when we use the sense organs provided by Him to enjoy other things.
Daksha Prajapathi offered his 33 daughters in marriage to Moon. There are only 27 stars but Kritikka is subdivided into 5 stars and Visaka into 2 thus getting 33 daughters. As Rohini was the most beautiful amongst them, Moon spent all of his time in her company. The other daughters complained to Daksha Prajapathi, Dakshan warned moon to treat everyone equally. As Moon failed to treat hi wives equally Dakshan cursed Moon and Moon started to wane. Moon then went to seek Lord Siva’s help as lord Siva too had been mistreated by his father in law Dakshan. Lord Siva placed moon in his locks near Ganges and thus saved one phase of the moon. As moon wanted to regain his form completely, he was asked to go to Sri Rangam to ask the help of Ranganathan. As soon as Moon sought lord Ranganathan’s help, Perumal asked moon to take a dip in the pushkarini. As soon as Moon took a dip, he regained his form. Thus the pushkarini is named as Chandra Pushkarini. Perumal then created a duplicate moon that had to wax and wane while the real Moon retained his form.
Alternate Meaning:
Great Vidwans fall at the feet of sadacharyan when their ego is defeated by the knowledge of sadacharyan. Even if sadacharyan looks at us with only half open eyes, it is enough to bless us. Sadacharyan should instruct us in small steps so that we can assimilate the knowledge. They look at us with moon like eyes during Bagawad Vishaya kalakshepam which is enjoyable and with Sun like eyes during Sri Bashyam kalakshepam as reading even 1 pankthi of Sri Bashyam is guaranteed to destroy sapam.
 Continued On:

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