Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Yaksha Prashnam Questions 26-29

The Yakshan asked Yudhishtirar to name that which is heavier than Earth? Which is higher than sky? Which is faster than wind? Which is lower in value (status) than grass or that which grows uncontrollably like grass?

Name that which is heavier than Earth
Yudhishtirar answered that a person’s mother is heavier than Earth.  The word guruthara is used in Sanskrit for heaviness. This word also refers to respect. Hence, Yudhishtirar answered that a person’s mother is greater than Earth. She has to be worshiped in the same manner in which a person worships the Devas. Sage Apasthamba mentioned that mothers are greater than fathers. The Vedas give permission to people to abandon their father if their father is immoral, gambles, is an alcoholic and is a nuisance to the family. The same Vedas however mention that even if a person’s mother does not have good character, she must be protected and worshiped. During the Gaya Shradham, 1 pindam is offered to a father whereas 16 Pindams are offered to a mother praising every sacrifice she made to raise her children. A mother readily forgives her children. Like the Earth, she is very patient and tolerates the mistakes of her children. Hence a mother is greater than Earth.
Which is higher than sky?

Yudhishtirar answered that a father is higher than sky. A father looks to be an ordinary human being but he is a child’s first Acharyan. A father performs Brahmopadesam to his son and teaches him about everything the child needs to know to live in this world.

Which is faster than wind?
Yudhishtirar said that our mind travels faster than wind. The following story depicts the swiftness of mind.
There was a rich land lord who managed the local temple. He provided a bowl of rice to everyone who worked in the temple. There was an old man who did nothing. He sat inside the temple gate all day. The landlord out of compassion also provided a bowl of rice to this old man. One day the land lord’s son took over the management. He had graduated from the top business school. He wanted to minimize waste and carry out “lean execution”. He did an audit and found out that the old man was receiving a bowl of rice without performing any task. The new landlord stopped everyone from providing rice to the old man unless he helped out with the temple work. After a week the new landlord enquired if the old man had started working. He was shocked to learn that the old man didn’t do any work and continued to sit in his usual spot. The new landlord visited the old man and was amazed to see the old man look happy. The old man did not feel bad for losing his bowl of rice. The new landlord felt sorry for the old man and asked him to do at least a small task. The old man replied that he did not need rice. The landlord asked why the old man sat doing nothing all day. The old man mentioned that it is not easy to remain static all day. The landlord challenged the old man that he can sit like the old man without doing anything. The old man accepted the challenge and asked the landlord to remain static for just five minutes. After five minutes the landlord replied that it was very easy to remain static. To this the old mentioned that the landlord had only remained static physically while his mind had been wandering musing about his upcoming court case and then mentally visiting his sister. The landlord was astonished by the old man’s reply. The landlord accepted defeat and continued to provide a bowl of rice to the old man.
Which is lower in value (status) than grass or that which grows uncontrollably like grass?
To the Yakshan’s last question in this series, Yudhishtirar answered that our worries grow uncontrollably like grass. Worries don’t have any value like grass and they also grow like grass. To control worries a person must remember that only that which can happen will happen anything else is impossible.
The esoteric meaning contained in Yudhishtirar’s answers is as follows.
Goddess Sridevi is our mother. She is greater than Earth because she is ready to liberate us from Samsara. Lord Vishnu as our father is higher than sky since He resides at Paramapadam which is higher than the entire Universe. We must try to attain Lord Vishnu in our mind. We shouldn’t worry if it would be possible for us to attain His divine feet. If we worry, we will never be able to attain His divine feet.
Continued On:  http://thoughtsonsanathanadharma.blogspot.ca/2013/02/yaksha-prashnam-question-9.html
Based on, Yaksha Prashnam - A discourse in Tamil by Sri U.Ve. Karunakaran Swamy
(Any errors or inconsistencies in the following series are due to the mistakes I made while taking notes.
Copies of the CDs can be obtained from Sri Karunakaran Swami’s website http://www.nadadoor.org/ . This series is for the benefit of people who do not understand Tamil. Those of you who understand Tamil very well must definitely obtain a copy of Swami’s Upanyasam. You can do so by contacting Nadadoor.org. Swami also renders discourses in English but I am not sure if Yaksha Prashnam discourse is available in English.  The experience of listening to Swami’s upanyasams could never be obtained by reading the following series. I have done my best to take notes with due diligence. I apologize for any errors that I have made while writing this series.

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