Thursday, 18 April 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Parikshit's encounter with Kali Purush

Once, Parikshit Maharaja came upon a man tormenting an ox and a cow. The king was shocked to see that the cow and the ox had only one leg each. He came to know that the ox represented Dharmam, the cow Bhumi and the man was Kali Yugam. The cow’s legs represent dharmam, compassion, satyam and cleanliness. In Krita Yugam, the cow had four legs, in Treta Yugam three legs to show Dharmam decreased by 25%, in Dwapara Yugam it had two legs and during Kali Yugam it stood on only one leg. The king ordered Kali to leave his kingdom.
‘I am one of God’s creations too,’ said Kali, ‘hence, give me a place to live.’
The King agreed that God had created Kali and hence Kali had a right to live.
‘You should only live in the following places,’ said the king. ‘Places where gambling takes place, amongst people who indulge their senses by drinking alcohol and eating drugs, places where women are disrespected, places where animals are slaughtered, amongst people who lust for gold and amongst people who lie.’
‘The places you have assigned me are not sufficient for me to live comfortably. Please assign me more places.’
‘You may also live amongst people who give way to anger, jealousy, false ego (self-pride arising from good education, ancestry, wealth and beauty), greed, lust and enmity.’
Thus by avoiding all the above places listed by King Parikshit, we can escape the evils of Kali Yugam. This is the first moral we should take from Srimadh Bagawatham. We should not even gamble for sport.
In previous yugams, kings could gamble for sport as long as they didn’t pledge their wealth but in Kali Yugam even gambling for sport is prohibited as it will slowly fuel the desire to pledge wealth. Following proper ahara niyamam; not existing only to taste good food but understanding that we eat to stay alive , avoiding places where women are mistreated, places where animals are slaughtered and avoiding eating meat/eggs (milk is offered by the cow and no harm is done to the cow to obtain milk. Milk also doesn’t have the capacity to turn into a life form. Eggs on the other hand, even though offered by the hens just like milk by cows could turn in to chicken. By eating eggs we are preventing its conversion in to chicken. Therefore eating eggs is prohibited.), lusting after more wealth and gold, not giving in to sense gratification, anger, greed and jealousy will keep us safe during the age of kali.

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