Sunday, 14 April 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Role of Shastras

Through Puranams, we learn about our Shastras and the Lord’s incarnations.
World is sustained by Shastras. Bhagawan incarnates and directs us to behave properly. Bhagawan blessed us with Shastras to guide us through life. We are considered to be astikas if we follow the Vedic Shastras. We are nastikas if we do not believe in the shastras. “Asti” means it is there. Hence an astika not only believes in Perumal but also has faith in shastras. By going against the shastras we disappoint our Lord.

There are two types of Shastras
1.     Shruthis
2.     Smrtis

Shastras in the form of Shruthis are passed down by listening. Shruthis are taught by Acharyans and repeated by disciples. The Vedas are shruthis.

Our poorvacharyas authored a set of Shastras called as Smrtis which are recollection of shruthis. The word smrti means recollecting or remembering in Sanskrit. An important Smrti is Bagawad Geetha. Smrtis can be considered to be explanations of shruthis.
We experience many sorrows because of our births. Our ego and our possessive nature are the two seeds which make the tree of samsara grow larger. The shastras teach us about what does the Lord expect us to do.
Karma is the reason for our births. It is like a string which ties a balloon down. Once the string is cut the balloon flies upwards. Like the balloon, once our karma is extinguished we reach our natural state. Like a parrot soaring out of an open cage, we soar towards the Lord and attain Him. The shastras teach us about the way to rid ourselves of our karma.

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