Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Yaksha Prashnam Questions 111 - 112

Who is truly called a Purusha (a man)? Who possesses all kinds of wealth? 

Who is truly called a Purusha (a man)?
A person who gives equal importance to both failures and success and realizes that failures are also a part of life is a true purusha. This person will never go to an astrologer asking them to predict his/her future as this person is aware that our future events are based on past karmas. Hence this person will always concentrate on doing good deeds. Astrology should only be used to get the dates for Ekadashi & festivals. Astrology should not be used to predict one’s future.
Who possesses all kinds of wealth?
A person who treats everyone equally is the wealthiest person. Prahaladan said that “samthvam aradhanam Achyutasya” that is only those people who treat everyone equally gets the grace of Lord Vishnu. We should look at our mistakes with the same eye used to look at the errors of others. We should offer the highest quality goods in Temples. We shouldn’t offer low quality rice in temple while consuming high quality rice at home.
A person who doesn’t chase after material wealth and realizes that the Lord is the real wealth is the richest person.
Swami Desikan mentioned that he did not need money as he has the wealth left by his grandfather. He explained that Lord Brahma is the grandfather of everyone. When Lord Brahma performed the Ashwamedha Yagam, the Lord appeared from the fire and agreed to stay as Lord Varadarajan at Kanchipuram. Lord Varadarajan is the wealth left to Swami Desikan by Lord Brahma. A person who lives with swami Desikan’s attitude is the wealthiest person.
Based on, Yaksha Prashnam - A discourse in Tamil by Sri U.Ve. Karunakaran Swamy
(Any errors or inconsistencies in the following series are due to the mistakes I made while taking notes.
Copies of the CDs can be obtained from Sri Karunakaran Swami’s website . This series is for the benefit of people who do not understand Tamil. Those of you who understand Tamil very well must definitely obtain a copy of Swami’s Upanyasam. You can do so by contacting Swami also renders discourses in English but I am not sure if Yaksha Prashnam discourse is available in English.  The experience of listening to Swami’s upanyasams could never be obtained by reading the following series. I have done my best to take notes with due diligence. I apologize for any errors that I have made while writing this series.

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