Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - The Curse of Jaya and Vijaya
Kashyapa Prajapathi was originally called as Pashyakar since he had knowledge of the past present and future and there was nothing he couldn’t see. His name was reversed to Kashyapar to hide his capabilities from others. Kashyapar was approached by his wife Diti in the evening as she wished to have a son. Kaskyapar asked Diti to wait for one muhurtham as that particular time was dedicated to Lord Siva. Lord Siva dances during the evening (Sandhya) time and everyone is required to stay disciplined during this period. Diti refused to wait any longer thus Diti conceived during the evening time. When she realized her error, she approached Kashyapar once again to find out the nature of her child. Kashyapar, the one who has the ability to see even in to the future, informed her that she would give birth to twin boys with evil nature who would torment everyone. She asked Kashyapar to pardon her and to bless her with good progeny. Kashyapar replied that even though her sons would be evil, her grandson would stay devoted to the Lord and will see Perumal.
In the meantime, the mind born sons of Lord Brahma known as Sanakathi munivars (Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara) went to Karya Vaikuntham to see the Lord. Each of the four gates of Vaikuntham is guarded by two door keepers. TheEastern Gate by Chandan and Prashnadan
The West by Jaya and Vijaya
The South by Badran and Subadhran
The munivars entered via the Western Gate and they were stopped by Jaya and Vijaya from proceeding inside. Since they were stopped from visiting the Lord, the munivars cursed that Jaya and Vijaya should leave Vaikuntham and take birth on Earth. At this moment, Lord Narayana arrived. The munivars felt bad that they had cursed the Lord’s door keepers.

The Lord replied that He was not upset with the munivars. He offered two choices to Jaya and Vijaya. They could take 100 births on earth as the Lord’s friend or just three births as the Lord’s enemy; the three births would be ended when the Lord Himself would kill them thus releasing them from their births. Jaya and Vijaya couldn’t bear to be away from the Lord for 100 births; thus they chose to take three births as the Lord’s enemies. Jaya and Vijaya were the door keepers of Karya Vaikuntha. The main vaikuntham is outside the prakruthi mandalam whereas the Karya Vaikuntham is inside each Brahmandam. The Universe as we know is Brahmandam and there are many such Universes. To explain this concept of Karya Vaikuntham compared to the main Vaikuntham, think about the main Thirumala temple versus the many satellite TTD Devasthan temples in every city around the world. Just like the way in which the satelite TTD temples are a replica of the main temple at Tirumala, the Karya Vaikunthams are a replica of the main Vaikuntham. The sages, devas cannot travel to the main Vaikuntham but to help them visit the Lord with ease in their Universe, the Karya Vaikuntham exists similar to the TTD satelite temples. This is why sages are able to visit Karya Vaikuntham and leave Karya Vaikuntham as well with ease. Incarnation is the process of “coming down” to uplift the jeevatmas. Often the Lord makes the Nithya Suris (the jeevatmas who are eternally liberated and who exist to serve the Lord) to incarnate in order to teach the Badha atmas (the bonded jeevatmas suffering in Samsara) about the way by which they can be liberated. The coming down of Jaya and Vijaya could also be thought as an incarnation as even though they played in negative roles, they taught us how not to live our life.
Jaya and Vijaya took birth as Diti’s sons Hiranyakshan and Hiranyakashipu.

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