Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Karma Yoga Continued

There are five aspects involved in the completion of any tasks. These are
1.     Paramatma
2.     Jeevatma
3.     Body
4.     Prana vayu or life force
5.     Sense organs

All five have to function in order to complete a task. The contribution of us the “atmaS” is only a fifth of the total effort or just 20%. Hence, we should abandon the thought that we are the performer. This is Karthruthva Thyaga

Through Mamata Thyaga we sacrifice the Karma. We realise that the karma attained by performing a particular action is not ours. When we perform good deeds, we shoud perform those deeds without expecting to earn merits. For example as students our goal must be to study well and understand the concepts; we should not study just to get a good grade.

Phala Thyaga is when we do not expect any of the human ends in return for our deeds. As mentioned earlier, the four human ends are dharma, artha, kama and moksham. We do not ask for any of these as, our only goal is paramartha sakshatkaram.

Bhagawan has mentioned that the best Bhakthas do not ask Him for anything. They are just happy to perform their duties. They serve Bhagawan and do not wish for anything in return i.e dharma, artha, kama or even moksham. They know that Bhagawan is the only one who knows what is best for them. The bhakthas leave everything upto Bhagawan.

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