Sunday, 30 June 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Description Of Our Universe - Part 2

The different dwipas of Bhuloka may represent planets with intelligent life within our solar system. It is said that there are people in the other dwipas who lead a very spiritual life and live for around five thousand years.  The Earth’s celestial sphere is thought to contain six companion globes belonging to the higher dimension. We are used to the three dimensional world and can see only objects in the three dimensional world. In the world of two dimension everything looks flat; organisms used to the two dimensional world will be unable to perceive the third dimension. There was a novel in which a square resides in the two dimensional world and is visited by a sphere. All that the square saw was a circle and didn’t understand the sphere’s description of itself in 3D till the sphere took the square to the 3D world. Like the square, our senses do not have the capacity to perceive the objects belonging to higher dimensions. Hence, these objects may even go unnoticed by us. It has been established in Mathematics and Physics that up to ten dimensions are possible.
The seven dwipas could also represent the eveolution of beings from one spiritual plane to the other.
The seven dwipas and seas can also be used to describe the sections/fluids in the Lord’s Universal’s form (Vishwaroopam).  Lavana or salt sea (urine), cane juice sea (perspiration), Surâ or sea of wine (senses), Sarpi or sea of ghee (semen), Dadhi or buttermilk sea [yoghurt, whey] (mucus), the sea of milk (saliva), and the sea of pure water (tears).

There are in total 14 planetary systems with intelligent life forms with the earth part of our solar system in the middle. Indra’s world called swargam is in the third solar system above our own system with Brahma’s Sathya Lokam marking the seventh solar system. Below earth are the solar systems named Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talâtala, Mahâtala, Rasâtala and Pâtâla.
All these solar systems form one Brahmandam (Universe). A Brahma is the chief of one Universe. There are many tens of thousands of Universes each headed by a Brahma. Below Patala is an air cushion which is 38,000 yojanas wide. (1 yojana = 8 miles). Lord Ananta supports the entire Brahmandam with His one thousand hoods. To prevent the Brahmandam from vibrating when Lord Anata breathes, the air cushion exists between His heads and the Brahmandam to observe shock waves created by his respiration.’
The Bagawatham clearly mentions that it is impossible to attempt space travel to any of these worlds as it would take millions of light years. Only mystical (yogic) travel is possible between the worlds. In the Mahabharata, Arjuna was pulled into the world of Nagas by Ulupi when he went for a swim in a river; he did not go to the bottom of the river bed but found himself in another world. Similarly Nanda Gopan was pulled into the world of Varuna when he went to take a dip in the Yamuna by one of Varuna’s attendant. In ancient times people might have made use of worm holes to travel from one world to the other as indicated in the above two examples or they might have been pulled in to the other worlds by using yogic powers. “Beam me up Scottie” of the ancient world!

Continued On:

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