
© 2012 - 2024, Swetha Sundaram The articles on this blog are a collection of the author's studies and/or inferences made by the author from such studies. The posts on the vedic civilizations and symbolisms in vedic texts is the result of intense study undertaken by the author and the inferences made by the author from these studies. Please ensure to cite this blog if using material from this blog.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Jata Bharatar Charitram Part 4

‘Who are you? Where are you from? Why did you come here?’ asked the king to Jata Bharatar.

‘Never ask these questions to anyone! I am whoever you are; we are both jeevatmas. We both came from the same place, a mother’s womb. We are here to lose our karmas. You are losing karma by sitting on top of a palanquin and me by carrying it. My body was carrying your palanquin but I the atma never carried you. One atma cannot carry another atma. Only one body can carry another body. The tiredness was felt by my body but not by me. You said you were going to punish me but you can never punish me.
The atma is different from the body. It is bound in a body per its past karmas. You see all these different bodies, ants, birds, and people but their atma is similar. Like air flowing through a flute which when it comes out of different holes in the flute makes new tunes, the atma gets different bodies based on its past karmas. There are no differences amongst the jevatmas. They are equal to each other in every way. The jeevatmas themselves are supported by Lord Narayana. He doesn’t support the jeevatmas and the Universe you see around you like a basket supporting fruits but, more like the soul supporting the body. He as the inner controller gives vitality to the jeevatmas from within. As long as one does not control the mind along with the ten sense organs, they are driven to pursue material wealth by their past karma vasanai (memory imprint of past karmas) and they get stuck in the never ending vicious cycle. They are born, die and are once again are re-born. From one body to another they keep transmigrating driven by their karmas. Their past karmas drive them to commit new karmas thus they are stuck in the never ending cycle of action and reaction. The only way out of this never ending cycle is to sacrifice false ego and look beyond the body to see the equality of the jeevatmas and to look at the Supreme Lord as their inner controller. He is the only refuge for all the jeevatmas and only by realizing Him; we can be freed from this never ending cycle. Hence treat everyone equally. You can lose your karmas only through sat sangam after which you can attain the Lord’s divine feet. The only purpose of our births is to attain the Lord’s divine feet. I will tell you a story to make it clear for you’

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