Monday 29 July 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Prahalada Charitram Part 1

Prahlada Charitram.

‘Please kindly pardon my interruption but I have a doubt and I seek your guidance to get my doubt clarified. From your narration I gather that Perumal treats everyone equally and does not discriminate; but, history shows us that He always helps Devendran to defeat the Asuras and Rakshashas. How can He be called impartial when He always supports Devendra?’ asked Parikshit.
‘I am very pleased with your question as the answer highlights “Bagawatha Prabhavam” which is more important than “Bagawad Prabhavam”. Your question will serve as the tool by which everyone will benefit even in the future. This question was already asked by your grandfather Yudhishtirar to Sage Narada. I will provide you with the answers provided by Sage Narada,’ said Sukacharyar.
Sukracharyar started to narrate about the Lord’s Narasimha Avataram. It is the best avatharam. The best amongst manthram is the Narasimha Manthram as it contains 32 letters each of which teach one of the 32 Brahma Vidhyas. Similarly the best amongst Tanthrams is Narasimha Tanthrikam. “Namaha” is the heart of Saranagathi manthram. The best person to surrender to is Lord Narasimha. He is also called as Pinaki as He wields the bow called Pinaka. As He displayed anger while incarnating, He is called as Maha Raudri. The Mrthyu Jaya Manthram praises the glories of Lord Narasimha. He has three eyes; the right eye is the Sun, the left the moon and the eye on His forehead is Agni. The protection obtained by chanting the Narasimha Manthram cannot be over ruled by any other Manthram. The manthraraja Pada Sthothram composed by Lord Shiva teaches the importance of Narasimha Manthram.
People who seek Moksham should worship Lord Narasimha. The Ahobilla Mutt was established by Lord Narasimha Himself when He initiated the first pontiff of Ahobila Mutt in to Sanyasa.
Entering the palace, Hiranyakashipu found Subhanumat the wife of his brother Hiranyakshan in tears. The attendants were all quiet. His own wife Kayathu was sitting next to Subhanumat trying to console her.
Hiranyakashipu knew the reason for the sombre mood. His brother Hiranyakshan had been killed by Lord Vishnu in the form of Varaha.
‘Wipe your tears,’ said Hiranyakashipu looking at Subhanumat. ‘I vow to you that I will avenge the death of Hiranyakshan by making Vishnu who killed my brother non-existant!’
‘This is not an easy task! In fact it is an impossible task!’ said Hiranyakashipu’s minister.
‘No task is impossible. I know the source of Vishnu’s powers! Torment all Brahmins who practise the Vedas, not a single verse from the Vedas should be uttered! Make sure no one follows their varnashrama dharma. You have my standing instructions to torment anyone who disobeys my decree. I will do a severe penance to obtain special boons from Lord Brahma which will benefit us.’
Hiranyakashipu soon left to the forest to do severe penance. Hiranyakashipu’s men started to torment people per his decree. The Devas in the meantime invaded the kingdom of Hiranyakashipu. They soon captured everyone and dragged all those people who were the supporters of Hiranyakashipu as prisoners. Along with the priisoners they dragged the wife of Hiranyakashipu as well.

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