Saturday, 10 August 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham -n Prahalada Charitram Part 3
As soon as Lord Brahma granted him the boons, Hiranyakashipu waged war against the Devas. He soon brought their kingdoms under his dominion. He then proceeded to go to Sri Vaikuntham in order to wage war against Perumal. The Lord along with His consorts and attendants vanished from view. The Lord could have killed Hiranyakashipu then and there but He wanted to protect the promise made by Lord Brahma to Hiranyakashipu. If He overruled Lord Brhma’s boons, no one will ever respect Lord Brahma. Thus the Lord with His attendants entered the heart of Hiranyakashipu for that was the one place he would never think to look for the Lord.
Hiranyakashipu assumed that the Lord had run away. He laughed happily and declared himself to be the sovereign of everyone. Per his decree everyone had to make offerings only to him and chant manthrams only about him. He then returned home to his city after taking Kayathu from the ashram of Sage Narada. Soon Prahladan took birth to the delight of Hiranyakashipu. He doted on his child. As the child soon came of age to start school, Hiranyakashipu wished to perform the ritual of Aksharabhyasam. He wished to do the ritual in privacy of his home without turning it into a big affair. As he entered his court with his son to perform Aksharabhyasam he was surprised to see Sage Naradar along with all the other sages. As sage Naradar had protected his wife and child, he didn’t turn the sages away. He let them witness the event.
‘Prahlada my sweet child,’ said Hiranyakashipu as he took hold of the child’s right arm and guided Prahladan to write the words “Hiranyakashipu Namaha”. After completing the statement Hiranyakashipu looked down to see the words but to his utter horror he saw “Haraye namaha”. He hid the writings from the sages.  After they had left, he sent for Shandan and Amarkan the two sons of his guru Sukracharyar.
‘This child seems to be under the malevolent influence of some planet which might very well be that Vishnu. Take this child to school and save this child from this evil influence.’
After many months Hiranyakashipu wished to see his son. He sent for Prahladan. As soon as Prahladan entered the court, Hiranyakashipu rushed to embrace Prahladan. He hoisted the child on to his lap.
‘Tell me my child, what have you learnt?’

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