Saturday, 21 September 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Prahalada Charitram Part 8

Srirangam Mettu Azhagiyasingar seen with Hiranyakashipu on lap & Prahaladan standing below Perumal :

Esoteric Meaning Of Narasimha Avataram:

Hiranyakashipu is the jeevatma who is also the sacrificer. His control over the Devas and the Asuras is his control over his senses and desires. His son Prahaladan represents his firm faith. Prahaladan is also the soma creeper. The most supreme offering to be offered as oblation by the sacrificer is the soma juice. The soma juice is extracted from the creeper by crushing it; this is represented by Hiranyakashipu persecuting Prahalada (as the crushing of the soma creeper is seen as a violent act). The soma juice is offered as oblation to show that the sacrificer is offering himself as the oblation (atma nivedanam). All oblations in a sacrifice reach the Lord since He is the Ultimate Enjoyer of all sacrifices. Hence offering the self as oblation reaches the Lord who is also the proprietor of the self. Such a jeevatma who has realized that it depends upon the Lord and that the Lord is the only saviour locates the Lord residing as antaryami in the heart. The heart is often called as the pillar of the hall called as body. To such a jeevatma the Lord reveals Himself and releases the jeevatma from its samsaric body which is shown by the Lord tearing Hiranyakashipu’s belly. The belly is the seat of hunger and thirst and is hence the symbol of samsara. Notice that the Lord didn’t tear Hiranyakashipu’s jugular vein or snap his neck but used His nails to tear Hiranyakashipu’s belly; thus, the Lord is putting an end to Hiranyakashipu’s samsaric existence. The Lord’s form of half lion and half man is to show that He exists as antaryami in everyone be they a beast or man.
Lord Narasimha is hence sought by people seeking Moksha.

Moral Of Prahalada Charitram:

We learn about Sri Vaishnava Lakshananm (identifying marks) from Prahalada Charitram. The identifying marks are not just wearing the thiruman srichurnam and bearing the marks of chakram and conch on one’s shoulders. The person’s attitude indicates if he/she is a Sri Vaishnavan or not. They should regard everyone as equal. Prahaladan didn’t want to attend school because they tried to teach him to hate the Devas. A Sri Vaishnavan must love one and all as himself. To them their birth place is the birth place of the Azhwar saints; they belong to the family of Perumal. Irrespective of gender they know that the atmas are all female and only the Lord is the true male. They fear for the Lord’s protection because of their love for Him. They think of only atma bandhus as their relatives and do not worry about sareera bandhus. They consider the Lord as father and Piratti as mother. Their occupation is Bagawatha Kaimkaryam and the fruit they expect from this is to get more kaimkaryam. They know that the Lord is the means as well as the end and rely on His divine feet as upayam. 

Continued On: 

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