
© 2012 - 2024, Swetha Sundaram The articles on this blog are a collection of the author's studies and/or inferences made by the author from such studies. The posts on the vedic civilizations and symbolisms in vedic texts is the result of intense study undertaken by the author and the inferences made by the author from these studies. Please ensure to cite this blog if using material from this blog.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Gajendra Moksham Part 5

Esoteric Meaning:

Gajendran represents the embodied state of a jeevatma. Gajendran as an elephant represents the largest of all embodied creatures. The pond is the ocean of samsara. The crocodile is our desires along with sense organs incited by our past karmas which try to pull us deep into the ocean of samsara. We can never free ourself from the ocean of samsara. When we realize our inability and surrender to the Supreme Paramatma with complete faith in Him, He rescues us from samsara. We have to understand that He is the means to attain the end which is Him.

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