Sunday, 10 November 2013

Srimadh Bagawatham - Vamanavataram Part 5

Piratti doesn’t like it when Perumal destroys people. She was very unhappy when He killed Hiranyakashipu during Narasimha Avataram. Therefore Perumal promised her that He will give people additional chance. This is why in Ramayana He let Ravana retire from the battle field when Ravana ran out of weapons and He gave 100 chances to Shishupala.
One of His names is Srishaha but it does not just mean the Lord of Lakshmi but per Parasara Bhattar the name means the one who is controlled by Sri is Srishaha. Perumal didn’t want to kill Mahabali since Bali was the grandson of His dear devotee Prahaladan. Mahabali was also a great devotee of Lord. As Mahabali took the kingdom of Devendra, Aditi did saranagathi requesting Perumal to help her sons. Perumal had to help Aditi since she performed saranagathi and yet He had to protect Mahabali as well. Therefore Perumal decided to seek alms and came in the form of a dwarf called Vamana to the yagna salai of Mahabali seeking donation. When Perumal placed His thiruvadi (3rd step) on Mahabali’s head, Prahaladan was very agitated; he came running towards Perumal and asked Perumal how he could do such a thing?
Perumal replied that, ‘why do you look agitated? I am only blessing Mahabali!’
Prahaladan said, ‘Of course I know you are blessing Mahabali but I have a bone to pick with you! When you killed my father Hiranyakashipu did you ever think of blessing me in the same manner in which you are blessing my grandson?’
‘I did bless you! I placed you on my lap and placed my hand on your head to bless you!’
‘That is why I am not feeling happy! You placed your hand on my head but why didn’t you place your divine Thiruvadi on my head?’
‘I did place my Thiruvadi on your head when I measured all living creatures with my 1st step.’
‘Then why did you place your Thiruvadi on Mahabali’s head once again?’
‘Because He didn’t realize that I placed my Thiruvadi on His head with my 1st step. He requested me to place my Thiruvadi on His head once again.’
‘You have proved that you are partial by honouring Mahabali twice by placing your Thiruvadi on his head twice!’ Thus even Prahaladan felt jealous of Mahabali.
Trivikrama Perumal did not cheat Mahabali but conferred upon Mahabali His blessings by placing His Thiruvadi upon the head of Mahabali. With His previous two steps, Perumal also placed His Thiruvadi upon the heads of all living creatures to bless them even if the creatures did not seek Perumal’s blessings. Such is the compassionate nature of Trivikrama Perumal! In fact at Tirukovalur, Perumal holds His disc in His left hand and the conch in His right hand to indicate to Mahabali that He did not come to kill Mahabali but only to bless Him. Lord Tadalan at Seerkazhi is a mirror image of Lord of Tirukovalur.
Thus we can see that Perumal honoured Mahabali and conferred upon Bali the most Supreme blessing.
Perumal in Surya Mandalam is called as “Uthi” which means that He is not affected by any sins. Hence the name “Uttapa” refers to the name of Perumal and indicates that He is above all sins. In Thiruparkadal He is called as Uttharan & during Trivikrama Avataram as Uttaman. The names Uttharan & Uttaman are the comparative/superlative degree of Uthi.
Thus the third Thirupavai Pasuram also explains about Paduka Prabhavam since this pasuram speaks about Perumal placing His thiruvadi on Bali’s head. Swami Desikan stated that any yagam performed without realizing that it is performed for Paduka Devi is a waste!
Andal lists the pala shruthi of chanting the name of Lord Trivikrama in the following lines.
theenginRi naadellaam thingaL mum maari peydhu
The entire region will be blessed by beneficial rains. An example of beneficial rain is shown by the following story. Once a potter finished making a batch of pots; he went to the temple and prayed that the weather should remain sunny so that his pots could dry properly. At the same time a farmer had finished sowing seeds in the same village; the farmer also went to the temple and prayed for rain so that his seeds could germinate. Thus if it rained the potter would be ruined and if the weather remained dry the farmer would be ruined. Thus beneficial rain would bring prosperity to everyone by raining at the appropriate time and thus helping both the potter as well as the farmer.

Moral of Trivikramavataram:

This narrative mentions the importance of obeying ones Acharyan. Bali lost his wealth because he disobeyed his Acharyan and Sukracharyar lost his eye sight for trying to interfere with a donation.

Esoteric Meaning of Trivikramavataram:

The three strides of land represents a small place in Bali’s mind. Sukracharyar as an Acharyan points our Perumal to Bali; Sukracharyar’s curse is actually a benefit which makes Bali lose only his materialistic wealth. By granting a small place in the mind to begin with, Perumal grows in the mind of the knower and occupies every thought of the knower thus delivering the knower from samsara.

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