Sunday, 28 December 2014

Srimadh Bagawatham - Description of Pralayam

Continued From:

There are four kinds of pralayams decribed in Srimadh Bagawatham. Nithya Pralayam occurs everyday when a life form dies. Maimithika Pralayam occurs during Brahma’s night when the first three worlds are destroyed even though the Sun is still there. Prakrutha Pralayam occurswhen all worlds are destroyed and all jeevatmas rest in a state of inactivity by Perumal. Perumal lies down in Yoga nidra for a very long time and starts creation again upon waking up. Akruthika Pralayam occurs when a jeevatma attains Moksham.
Markandeya Maharishi performed severe penance at Naimisharanyam in order to attain the Lord’s feet. The sage is a Brahmachari blessed with everlasting youth. The devas were worried by the sage’s penance. Devendran sent the apsaras to seduce the sage. The apsaras arrived with the lord of Love Kama and created spring season.
The sage noticed the beautiful sweet scented flowers, pleasant weather and the beautiful women. Even then he didn’t give in to their advances as he had complete control over his senses. He pitied the apsaras and promised not to curse them for trying to ruin his penance.
Lord Vishnu was pleased that the sage had defeated kamam as well as krodham. He appeared before the sage.
‘Only great personality like you can win over anger and lust’, praised the Lord.
‘It is because of your compassion for me. Your grace is the reason for the control over my senses. It is definitely not because of my efforts.’
The Lord was very pleased that the sage was not affected by pride either. ‘Ask me for a boon.’
‘I hear people speak about maya but I don’t understand it. Could you please show me you maya?’
The Lord smiled and then disappeared.
Sage Markandeyar returned to his duties. It started to rain. Very quickly rain turned into a great storm. The sage went outside when he heard a roaring noise. To his dismay he saw a huge flood; water rushed everywhere destroying all life.
Soon there was nothing but water. The sage waded through the deluge for days trying to find survivors. After many lengthy days, the sage spotted a huge banyan tree.
‘Land at last!’ cried the sage and ran towards the tree. He stopped midway when he saw a beautiful baby lying on top of a banyan leaf.

The child was dark in colour with curly locks which framed its face. Its eyes looked mischievous as we looking for butter to steal. It lay on the banyan leaf sucking its  big toe. The sage recognized the Lord. It was as if the Lord wondered why people sought his divine feet; to test if they were sweet, He was sucking on His big toe. Mesmerized by their sweetness, He lay they enjoying His toe.
The sage waded near the Lord to pick the child up. The child looked at the sage with love and opened its coral lips. As we pulled in by a vacuum, the sage entered the baby’s mouth and went into His belly. With a jerk the sage got-up and saw that he was back at his ashram and everything was back to normal!
This shows that the Lord keeps us safe in His belly even during pralayam and lets us out once creation begins.

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