Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Kenopanishad Part 2

The acharyan states in the above manthram that he doesn’t know about the Supreme Being. He further adds that, he doesn’t even know how to explain why or how he doesn’t know about the Supreme Brahman. The Supreme Being is different from all that which is known as well as unknown, but, the one who controls the senses is the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Being is not the one worshipped by the world as the Supreme Lord.
The above statements have been misinterpreted by many. Some said that, since the Supreme Brahman is not an object of knowledge, there is no God or Supreme Being. Some others said that since the Supreme Being is not that which is being worshipped by the world, don’t look for Brahmam externally, but, look within oneself and know that I/You are Brahman.
Sri Rangaramanuja Muni known as the Upanishad Bashyakarar provided the perfect explanation. The above Upanishadic statement says that, Brahmam cannot be controlled by our senses, but, our senses are under Brahmam’s control. Also, the Upanishdad cautions us to not limit Brahmam to a form that is being worshipped as it cannot be limited to a single form. Anyone who says this here is Brahmam does not know anything about Brahmam.
This series is based on the notes adiyen took after listening to the discourse in Tamil on Kenopanishad by Sri U.Ve.Karunakarachariar Swamin. This series is for the benefit of people who do not understand Tamil. Those of you who understand Tamil please refer to the following link to listen to the original discourse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wBXKT9cCQo
I have done my best to take notes with due diligence; any error(s) in the series is because of my mistake only. I apologize in advance for any errors that I have made while writing this series
Continued On:  http://thoughtsonsanathanadharma.blogspot.ca/2015/02/kenopanishad-part-3.html

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