Sunday, 24 July 2016

The Greatness of Sri Ananthazhwan - Part 5

Continued From:

Sri Ananthazhwan Becomes Lord Srinivasa’s Acharyan


The Lord's wish always comes true and He found an opportunity to fulfill His desire when a congregation of Sri Vaishnavas from Sri Rangam decided to travel on a pilgrimage to Tirupathi. They packed groceries to last till they reached Tirupathi but, by the time they reached Madhurantakam, they found out that, they didn't have any food to last them for the rest of the journey. As they were Sri Vaishnavas, they couldn't accept food from anyone who wasn't a Sri Vaishnava or dine in restaurants. They realized the predicament they were in.

'Does anyone have any relatives or friends who can help us?' asked their leader. 

It was soon determined that none of them had any contacts at Madhurantakam or the nearby regions.
'What shall we do? Shall we return to Sri Rangam?’

‘Unfortunately, this is the half way point in our journey. We do not have sufficient groceries even if we turn back.' 

'I can help you.' 

The Sri Vaishnavas turned around to face the speaker. Their eyes fell upon a lad with dark complexion and beautiful eyes. 'My name is Madurakavi Dasan,’ introduced the lad. ‘I am a Sri Vaishnava. I can supply food till we reach Tirupathi.' 

‘Where did He come from?’ asked a few people to their friends. ‘Does anyone remember seeing Him? Did He come with us from Sri Rangam?’

The Sri Vaishnavas were won over by the tejas of the newcomer who was but a lad, but, their leader wished to ascertain that, the lad was definitely a Sri Vaishnava. 

'Thank you for your kind gesture. We will accept food from you if you can tell us your acharyan's name.' 

'My acharyan is the great Ananta Suri of Thiruvengadam.' 

At the mention of Sri Ananthazhwan's name, the people felt relieved. 

‘The Lord has definitely sent this disciple of Sri Ananta Suri to help us!’ They murmured. 

The leader however wished to get proper proof that the young man was really the disciple of Sri Ananthazhwan. 'If Sri Ananthazhwan is really your acharyan, recite his taniyan.' 

The youth without any hesitation recited,' Akhilatmagunavasam ajnanatimirpaham Asritanam susaranam vande Anantharyadesikam (Adiyen bows to Acharya Ananthazhwan, who is the storehouse of auspicious qualities like compassion and wisdom, the one who is capable of dispelling ignorance and is the one who is eligible to accept the surrender of his disciples )' 

The leader smiled. This is not a proper taniyan. You have shown us that, you are not used to reciting taniyans. Where are the lines which mention the acharyan of Sri Ananthazhwan?'

 'Please do not jump to conclusions; I hadn't completed my recitation,' the youth rebuked. He continued to recite the second verse of the taniyan,' Srimath Ramanujacharya Sripadamboruhadvayam Sathutha manga sandaryam Anantharyamaham Bhaje (Adiyen pays obeisance to adiyen’s Acharyar , Swami Ananthazhwan who is the lotus feet of Swami Ramanujar and who is worshipped by SrI Vaishnavas all over the world )' 

‘How beautifully He has recited the taniyan!’ applauded the Sri Vaishnavas. ‘What more do we want? We are lucky that, He has come to solve our problem.’ 

All the others who were gathered there unanimously accepted the help rendered by the lad whose dark complexion and lotus like eyes melted their hearts. The Sri Vaishnavas visited many temples on their way to Tirumala well attended by Madurakavi Dasan. Finally one day, they arrived at the base of the Thiruvengadam hills.
‘Adiyen seeks your permission to go ahead of you so that, adiyen could inform my acharyan that you have arrived and help him make all the necessary arrangements to receive you,’ requested Madurakavi Dasan. 

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