Sunday, 16 February 2020

All You Can Eat Upma A Low Glycemic Pasta Equivalent

Please watch the video in the above link for a new series on healthy recipes.
The recipes are from my book "The Green Banana and The Lentils Diet"

There are so many different kinds of diet but, none suitable for a South Indian vegetarian. How does any vegetarian customize a paleo diet or a high protein diet to meet their needs? Most of the food they normally eat are classified as prohibited by their diet plan. In the name of diet and good health, how long can a person live on raw vegetables and fruits? After years of experimenting, my mom has come up with the perfect diet incorporating the powers of lentils and green bananas. She helped us to turn our attention towards traditional foods which harvest the powers of lentils and green bananas!
We personally tried this diet and to our utter amazement the pounds just melted off! The weight came off in a healthy way and there was a significant improvement in the numbers in the blood work! My mom has been battling type II diabetes for years as it runs in her family. She has been trying to avoid diabetes by staying on a strict diet and exercise regimen without taking any medication. By following the above diet, her blood sugar levels came down effortlessly from 8.1 mmol/L to 6.7 mmol/L (145.8 mg/dl to 120.6 mg/dl)! She ate to her heart content and yet her blood sugar level came down! The veggies prepared with lentil helped her to stay full for more than 6 hours without the need to consume the next meal! She started preparing late afternoon snacks out of green bananas and lentils. It kept us so full that we could even go without dinner! We felt energetic and our body felt lighter!
I suffer from severe neck pain and muscle aches as I spend majority of my day on the computer. By staying on the above diet, my joint/muscle aches and pain evaporated!
Inspired by our own personal success which was very easy to achieve, we decided to share our ideas with everyone through our book. Who said that dieting has to be hard? It is about finding the right balance to indulge our taste buds in delicious fare while achieving perfect health and a slim waistline!
There are enough recipes in this book to please vegans and vegetarians. Most of the recipes are also best suited for people suffering from gluten sensitivity. I invite everyone to give this diet a try and then share their success stories.
As an engineer, I am trained to analyze data and arrive at scientific solutions. In this modern age, the gap between engineering and medicine is very narrow that it is just not possible to isolate the two fields any more. The human body itself is a fantastic machine. The brain is nothing but a central control room, the nervous system is the body’s electrical system sending and receiving signal from various organs and the brain, the heart is a mechanical pump, the blood vessels are the pipes which carry fluid, like in any industrial plant we have a waste removal/treatment unit which are the kidneys and the intestine, the lungs are the pneumatic system with structural support provided by the musculoskeletal system. The sense organs are the sensors. The pipes in the industry have thermal insulation to prevent damage due to extreme weather, we have the skin and adipose tissue serving this purpose. The human body is an excellent control system with numerous alarms and feedback signals. In fact, it would be very easy to reduce the functions of the human body into a set of P&IDs (Piping and instrument diagrams). I am trained to analyze data and use a scientific approach to arrive at an optimal conclusion. This has enabled me to understand the many scientific studies conducted to study the effect of diet and nutrition on human health.
However, as with any new diet and exercise program, please consult a Qualified Medical Practitioner before following the suggestions in this book.

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