Tuesday, 8 June 2021

उपकार- सङ्ग्रह (Goodwill of Perumal towards Jeevatmas) Part 2

 Continued From: https://thoughtsonsanathanadharma.blogspot.com/2021/05/goodwill-of-perumal-towards-jeevatmas.html

उपकार- सङ्ग्रह (Goodwill of Perumal towards Jeevatmas) Part 2 


There are four basic benefits bestowed by Perumal upon jeevatma from the very beginning.

அந்தமிலாப் பேரின்பம் அருந்த ஏற்கும் அடியோமை அறிவுடனே என்றும் காத்து
முந்தை வினை நிரை வழியில் ஒழுகாது எம்மை முன்னிலையாம் தேசிகர் தம் முன்னே சேர்த்து
மந்திரமும் மந்திரத்தின் வழியும் காட்டி வழிப் படுத்தி வான் ஏற்றி அடிமை கொள்ள
தந்தை என நின்ற தனித் திருமால் தாளில் தலை வைத்தோம் சடகோபன் அருளினாலே-

पितासि लोकस्य चराचरस्य
त्वमस्य पूज्यश्च गुरुर्गरीयान् |
न त्वत्समोऽस्त्यभ्यधिक: कुतोऽन्यो
लोकत्रयेऽप्यप्रतिमप्रभाव || 43||

पितासि लोकस्य चराचरस्य Lord Sriman Narayanan is the Supreme Father of all things moveable and immovable தந்தை என நின்ற தனித் திருமால், He is the one who has always been our father; our parents on the otherhand have been assigned to us as per our karma. Our parents are assigned to us based on our karma, but when Perumal incarnates, He chooses His parents. He chose Emperor Dasaratha and Queen Kousalya as His parents during Ramavataram and He chose Devaki and Vasudeva during Krishnavataram.

தந்தை என நின்ற தனித் திருமால் தாளில் தலை வைத்தோம் சடகோபன் அருளினாலே In Sri Vishnu Puranam, Sri  Parasara Maharishi has mentioned that Goddess Mahalakshmi is the mother of all beings while Lord Sriman Narayanan is the father of all beings. The reason for mentioning “father தந்தை” in this pasuram is because it is the duty of a father to protect. This pasuram shows that Perumal has been protecting us for aeons. This is a supreme upakaram. We have been blessed to place our heads on the lotus feet of the Divya Dampathis because of the blessings of Sri Sadagopan (Nammazhwar). Perumal is “father தந்தை” because He protects even when we don’t pray to Him. He does jagat rakshanam even when we don’t pray to Him. At the time of Pralayam, He keeps all the jeevans safe in His stomach. In the Raghuvasam Mhakavi Kaidasa lists the actvities performed by a father.

प्रजानां विनयाधानाद्रक्षणाद्भरणादपि I

स पिता पितरस्तासां केवलं जन्महेतव: II 

The first duty of a father is to imbibe his child with “vinayam” i.e humility. A father helps his child develop proper socializing skills. रक्षणं rakshanam is teaching the difference between good and bad, teaching good etiquettes and helping the child to attain the right knowledge. भरणं  is supporting the child by providing the basic necessities of life. As per the above slokam, Emperor Dileepan treated his subjects as his own children by performing the above activities and thus making the biological fathers redundant. The slokam can be viewed from a different angle to show that it is Perumal who is always our father as He is our sole protector. Perumal is the one who always performs the activities of rakshanam (protection) and bharanam (rendering support). Perumal is always our father(निरूपाधिक); He doesn’t become our father because of a condition whereas our fathers conditionally attain fatherhood सोपाधिक. Jeevatma being eternal, according to its accumulated karma, it attains various sareerams while in samsara. Irrespective of the body attained by a jeevatma, Perumal continues to protect and support it. Whether a jeevatma attains the body of a dog, a fly, a bird, a plant, human or deva, Perumal continues to protect and support it.

Continued On: https://thoughtsonsanathanadharma.blogspot.com/2021/06/goodwill-of-perumal-towards-jeevatmas_24.html

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