Monday, 9 January 2012

Overview of Sanatana Dharma

The beauty of Santana Dharma is that it is flexible & can be customized by individuals according to their need. Unlike most religions that have only 1 founder, Santana Dharma has no human founder. The “Eternal Way ” as it is called, always existed with spiritual quest carried out by many persons. Hence, like a Banyan tree with many roots, it has branched out into numerous sub cultures & religion. Despite being multicultural in nature, the primary core fundamentals of religion remain the same.  
The laws & rules of Santana Dharma are flexible and are amended according to the needs of the current society. Most of the laws have been criticized to have given rise to social evils like the caste system, sati etc. The intention for incorporating such laws was for the proper functioning of the Vedic society. Problems developed when some people started to bend the law to their advantage. This happens in all walks of life and in every government. The government passes laws so that society as a whole can benefit from it but even today we have selfish law makers, politicians and even common people who use these laws to their advantage and end up harming the society (e.g. avoiding income tax payments using write-offs & rebates; this seems to increase the net worth of large corporations and billionaires more than help regular citizens.), This cannot be seen as a flaw in the government policies or law itself; it is only a loop hole that is used to the advantage of people working to promote their interests only.  

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