Sunday, 8 January 2012

Sanatana Dharma and Science:

Sanatana Dharma and Science:
Sanatana Dharma, despite being very old and ancient, gives its followers the flexibility to adapt to changing times. It also beautifully bridges religion and science.  The Vedas which are the primary texts on Sanatana Dharma have many branches of studies dedicated from engineering to medicine. Scientific studies, research & advancements were encouraged during the Vedic Age; whereas, there have been many conflicts between the scientific community and the Church in Europe during the Middle Ages. It is amazing to see that most of the present day discoveries and inventions were already dealt with in detail in the Vedas.  There has never been any conflict between religion and scientific studies; for example, the Vedic culture always believed in the heliocentric theory they believed that the earth is round, they believed in multiple universe and the big bang theory. There are slokas in the Vedas to explain the fundamentals of gravity, the basic principles of electricity etc. There are slokas in Mahabharata and Ramayana about air crafts including stealth air craft. The Mahabharata also describes modern day armaments including the atom bomb. The ancients also knew about the methods of diffusing bombs including the atom bomb.  The Ayurveda which means life science deals with many modern diseases and the correct treatment methods. There are treatises on surgery from rhinoplasty to open skull surgery. Most of the knowledge was lost during the Middle Ages due to invasions but, the root of the religion has still survived.

To be continued tomorrow.

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