Thursday, 2 February 2012

Polytheism in Sanatana Dharma? contd

Lord Vishnu also known as Narayana is the supreme personality. He is our master. He bears the entire universe including all  the living & non-living things. From the outside he supports them while at the same time he pervades inside every jiva atma as well as non-living matter; he is the super soul and all the non-living things and all the jiva atmas including ourselves form his body. He is omnipotent and he is the place of residence for all auspicious attributes. Even though people worship many different deities, he is the object of  their worship since he is the soul of all the devas and other deities. He loves each one of us. When our “punyas” (good deeds from current and previous births) mature, through his grace we develop love for him which enables us to break the cycle of re-birth and reach his divine feet.
People get confused with the fact that there are 33 billion devas. Most of the names of devas like “Indra” & “Kubera” refer to posts. These posts are occupied by different jeeva atmas who have been selected based on their qualifications. These posts are similar  to posts in a company such as manager, managing director, CEO etc.  Even “Brahma” refers to a post. The person who occupies this post is assigned the task of creation. Lord Vishnu is the only constant who oversees all & appoints various jeeva atmas to these posts so that they may serve him.

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