Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Polytheism in Sanatana Dharma?

There is only one true God as per Sanatana Dharma. It does not promote polytheism as  claimed by followers of other faiths. There is only one true God Vishnu. He has many names and he exists as Brahman, the one supreme universal spirit which is the origin of the universe. Brahman supports the universe and is the absolute reality. The Mundaka Upanishad says that Brahman is infinite and is the absolute truth. The “Devas” mentioned in Hinduism are thought of as “Gods” by followers of other faiths and hence they are confused and conclude that Sanatana Dharma is polytheistic in nature. The “devas” are living beings; they can be thought of as  “angels” or “spirits”. They go through the cycles of birth, death & rebirth as well. They are not the supreme being but they do have some powers when compared to human beings. If prayed properly, the devas can full fill some of our materialistic wishes. They not only grant our wishes but  they add fuel to our materialistic nature and submerge us further in this vast ocean of samsara (birth, death & rebirth) from which there is no escape. Those people who want to reach Brahman and break the cycles of rebirth worship Vishnu alone.

To be continued

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