Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Polytheism in Sanatana Dharma? contd

There are also nine types of relationship between paramatma and jeevatamas. They are as follows. The relationship between father and the son, the relationship between the Saviour and the Saved, the bond between and owner and the thing owned, the relationship between the Knower and the object of Knowledge, the relationship between the Property and Proprietor, the relationship of the Self to the Body, the relationship between the Supporter and the Supported and finally the relationship between the Enjoyer and the Enjoyed. Paramatma fulfills all the relationships. If a person is looking for a friend, that person can worship paramatma as a friend. If a person does not have any children, that person can worship Paramatma as baby Krishna to fulfill the void in their life. Similarly any relationship can be fulfilled by Paramatma. Arjuna worshiped Lord Krishna as a friend, Sugreeva worshiped Lord Rama as a friend, Meera worshiped Lord Krishna as her husband, to Yashoda he was her child and so on. Many people also worship Paramatma along with Goddess Lakshmi as their parent.
To conclude followers of Sanatana Dharma believe in one God with many names. He has many forms and people choose the form that suits them the best.

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