Saturday, 11 February 2012

Polytheism in Sanatana Dharma? conclusion

To conclude followers of Sanatana Dharma believe in one God with many names. He has many forms and people choose the form that suits them the best. Sanatana Dharma promotes unity in diversity. God is not limited to being formless as he has the powers to take on any form to please his devotees. We do not have the right to say that he cannot exist in a beautiful form with auspicious attributes. He has the power to take on any number of forms and above all his grace and endless love for his devotees causes him to take on a beautiful form so that it is easy for his devotees to meditate on him. He knows that it is impossible for most people to comprehend his Universal Form.  
 Every major religion agrees that he is omnipresent. If he is omnipresent and is present inside all objects why will he not exist in a consecrated idol? As he has many names, Hindus even accept that the followers of other major religion worship the same God and that the name they use to identify him is one of the many names he has. There are no “false” Gods per Sanatana Dharma. Everyone has the freedom to choose any one of the many forms of God to worship. This promotes a high level of religious tolerance amongst the followers of Sanatana Dharma. They respect other religions and their places of worship. As a result Hindus do not force followers of other religion to convert to Hinduism.

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