Friday, 23 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

The polar conditions mentioned in the Vedas might be eye witness accounts or they may be allegories meant for spiritual enlightenment. Most of the metaphors and symbolism in the Vedas do seem to point to both scientific and spiritual truth. The age of Earth is roughly 4.54 billion years. According to scientific studies, the age of human beings on earth is at least 276,000 years. For argument sake if we go with the scientific studies and accept that the age of human beings is at least 276,000 years, doesn’t it seem very strange that civilizations exploded in the last 10,000 years only? If we go with the Vedas, there have been human beings and other created living organisms for 4.32 billion years. This is taking in to consideration only the present kalpa; there would have been civilizations in the previous kalpas too but they would have been wiped out during the apocalypse at the end of the last kalpa. We do often stumble upon news about artifacts that were discovered to be millions of years old.  Three days ago million year old hand axes have been discovered in Kenya as per
A 400 million year old artifact has been discovered in Russia that looks like a gear.
More puzzling artifacts that have been dated to be millions of years old can be found at
Whether we agree with the above discoveries or not a question does raise about our planet and the civilizations that have existed on it. The earth is definitely 4.32 billion years old; it doesn’t seem improbable that may be age of human beings on earth is at least millions of years old and that civilizations are millions of years old. We only assume that human civilization developed in the last 10000 years because we do not have many fossils or records that go back further than that. The influence of Bible creationism also prejudiced the early archaeologists as a result they did not even consider that civilizations could have existed 5000 years ago; we now have proof to the contrary. Doesn’t it seem possible that if our planet has been swept by a major wave of cataclysms, the surviving records would have been destroyed? Survivor’s eyewitness account would have been considered as fables and mythologies after a few hundred years.

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