Sunday, 25 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

There is no doubt that the Vedic civilization is very old. It is hard to search for the beginning as it is like looking for the bottom of a bottomless pit! We know from the Vedas that creation started as soon as the world was created. There was a time delay (approx 1000 years of Brahma) between the first appearance of the living beings after the Universe had been created. Even after taking this time delay we can calculate that the age of human beings and civilizations is billions of years old (at least 3 -4 billion). Most of the facts mentioned in the Vedas can be proved scientifically. Almost everything mentioned in it can be seen to be true now; then why not the age of civilizations? 
Okay, It can be believed that civilizations existed millions of years ago but we still have to search for the “cradle of civilizations”. In which country should we begin the search? Through my next posts I shall prove that search for the origin of civilizations should be conducted in India. The Vedic Civilization is the origin of all civilizations. The Vedic civilization is now accepted as the origin of all civilizations by most countries but the search for the true root of the Vedic civilization in progress. Most countries claim that the Vedic civilization originated on their soil first. The global existence of the Vedic civilization is now agreed by almost everyone. As the Vedas do not mention migration anywhere and as they always mention that the Indian sub-continent had always been the home to the Vedic people we have to side with the Vedas and believe that in India lies the root of the Vedic civilization. I will examine some of the parallels between the Vedic civilization and other ancient civilizations like the Egyptian, the Mayans, The Greek & Roman civilization etc., to prove that the true root is still alive and present in India.

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