Friday, 30 March 2012

Vedic influence in Egypt

The word Osiris also means “many eyed”. Siva is represented with three eyes. The Egyptians worshiped Osiris as the Lord of Precession. Osiris is said to reside in the constellation of Orion. He is also seen as the controller or lord of the dead. Rudra has his home in Orion as well. He is seen as the controller of time often called as kal purush or time man. The temple of Siva at Chidambaram is oriented towards Orion constellation as well. Rudra is seen as the destroyer. At the elapse of the great age he will unleash his fury on this world destroying everything. Rudra is also famous for his celestial dance which again is an allegory for precession. Both Siva and Osiris are associated with the Bull. Siva is worshiped in the lingam format and Osiris as the phallus. If we have the purusamrigas in the Siva temples, we have the sphinx associated with Osiris in Egypt .

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Vedic influence in Egypt

Continued From: Sanathana Dharma: Vedic influence in Egypt (
The Osiris-Isis, Set & Nepthys myth of the Egyptians has its origin in Vedic India as well. Osiris & Set represent Siva and Rudra respectively. Siva and Rudra is the same person but each name represents one personality of Siva. According to the Puranas, Rudra was created by Brahma. Brahma’s wrath took birth as Rudra. Rudra is considered to be Brahma’s son. Brahma ordered Rudra to split into a male and female form for the purpose of creation. Rudra then splits into a Rudra form and a Shakti form. Eight to eleven more such forms were created. If we look at the Egyptian mythology it says that Osiris & Isis are siblings (twins). Earlier when I read the Osiris-Isis myth it seemed very crude to me that a culture would consider a brother and sister to be married; but, after the reading the Puranas I realized that since Rudra split himself into a male and female form, Rudra and Shakti could be called as twins though they are not uterine twins. The Vedic Indians had complete knowledge of this concept where as the Egyptians did not. The Egyptians thought that brothers and sisters could get married; thus the Egyptian Pharoahs married their own sisters whereas this is not allowed by the Vedic culture. The Egyptian religion lacked the sophistication of the Vedic religion; the Egyptian religion was an off shoot of the Vedic religion but some of the Vedic concepts got muddled. Each of the 8 forms of Rudra have unique characteristics. The form of Siva is considered to be benevolent whereas the form of Rudra is considered to be malevolent; similar to this the Egyptians saw the good in Osiris & bad in Set. The killing of Osiris by Set could be compared to killing of Daksha Prajapati by Rudra; Osiris& Set were brothers similarly both Daksha Prajapati & Rudra are sons of Brahma.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Vedic influence in Egypt

The division of ancient Egyptian society into classes is identical to the caste system of India. The Egyptian temples were built with a veil drawn across the inner sanctum. Even the Egyptian Sphinx was a concept borrowed from the Vedic culture. I read Raja Dikshitar’s articles on the Indian Sphinx today. I realized that the Sphinx is a Vedic concept. They are called Purusamrigha in Sanskrit which mean man-animal. Indian Sphinxes can be found in Siva temples especially in South India; this makes sense because the Egyptians are believed to be connected to South Indians. The Indian sphinxes are placed in front of temple entryway or on top of the entrance tower.  They are believed to remove the negative vibration present in a devotee before the devotee enters the sanctum. Sphinxes are mentioned in the Yajur Veda. There is a story in the Mahabharata that narrates a race between Bhīma and a sphinx. The great sphinx is believed to be older than the great pyramids. It was probably built facing an ancient temple which does not exist now. Water erosion marks found on the sphinx confirm that they are older than the pyramids and built during a time when Egypt enjoyed heavy rainfall. For more information on Indian Sphinx including photos please see the following website.

Refer to below image of the sphinx at The pyramid of Menkaure wearing thiruman (urdhva pundram)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Vedic influence in Egypt

There are many similarities between ancient Egyptian religion and Vedic culture. The name “Egypt” is a modification of the word “Ajap”; which, in Sanskrit refers to the clan of king Aja. Rama’s grandfather was called Aja. Both the Vedic and the ancient Egyptian cultures believe that a king is an incarnation or descendent of God.  The Egyptian name for God is “Ra” which might have been “Ram” to begin with. All their pharaohs are called Ramesis.

One of the creation myths of Egyptian religion describes that there was nothing except the cosmic waters in the beginning. From the cosmic water a lotus grew on which was found the creator Thoth. This sounds very similar to the description of Brahma’s birth. Brahma appeared on a lotus which grew from Lord Vishnu’s navel. Vishnu himself was reclining on his snake bed in the middle of the cosmic waters.
Tat is also a name of Lord Vishnu in Sanskrit which means the multiplier because He multiples our good deeds in order to help us. The names "Tat" and "Thoth" sound very similar.  In the Vedic religion Vishnu has many names which also include the names Siva, Rudra, Hiranya Garbha etc. The other deities were named after Lord Vishnu. For example Lord Siva was named after Lord Vishnu's name "Siva", Lord Brahma is also known as "Hiranya Garbhan". This is similar to common people like ourselves having the names of deities. My brother is called as Ram this does not make him Lord Rama similarly Lord Siva & Brahma are named after Lord Vishnu; the name "Tat" or "Thoth" could also be a name assumed by Lord Brahma out of respect for Lord Vishnu.
The name Thoth is the Greek pronounciation; it is not very clear how the Egyptsian pronounced this name. Thoth is often written as Dhwty in the Egyptsian language and interpreted as Djehuti by archaeologists. We can only assume that the pronunciation of the Greeks is closer to the original pronunciation due to the interaction between the two cultures. Dhatru is a name of Lord Brahma in Sanskrit which means the sustainer. The name Dhwty and the Greek pronunciation Thoth could have originated from Dhatru.
Another Egyptian creation theory speaks about a cosmic egg which sounds more like “Hiranya Garbha” or the cosmic egg mentioned in the Vedas. The Egyptians trace the origin of all things to a first cause. They also see the presence of the first cause in all things which gave rise to the myriad of Gods in their Pantheon. They saw the same first cause in all of their Gods. The first cause of the Egyptians resembles the “Brahman” form of the Lord mentioned in the Vedas.  
The belief of the Egyptian in their Goddess Maat also known as Mayet is similar to the Vedic Goddess Maya. The role of Egyptian Mayet was to prevent the creation from continuously returning to chaos. The Vedic Maya is the feminine form of Lord Vishnu's energy which brings out the evolution of this Universe.
The Egyptians believed in rebirth. They believed that they would have to reap the rewards and penalties in the nether worlds for all actions they did while living. This concept is identical to the Vedic concept of “papas” and “punyas”.
They worship the Sun god and call him as “Ra”. Their pharaohs are said to have been descended from “Ra” or that they belong to the solar dynasty. Lord Rama belonged to the solar dynasty in India. They state that “Ra” can be identified with their first cause; Lord Rama is the supreme Brahman.

 Pharaoh Akhnaton started the worship of the sun’s disk. He called the sun’s disk the” Eye of Aton” i.e. eye of God. In the Vedic scriptures the Lord is said to have the Sun and the moon for his eyes. The ancient Egyptians themselves state that their civilizers came from the distant land of Punt. The description of the flora and fauna of Punt matches with the description of flora and fauna unique to India. Since the Egyptians state that they received their civilization from Punt it is clear that they were the off-shoot of the Vedic civilization. It cannot be the other way as the Vedic civilization does not mention any ancient home land.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

There is no doubt that the Vedic civilization is very old. It is hard to search for the beginning as it is like looking for the bottom of a bottomless pit! We know from the Vedas that creation started as soon as the world was created. There was a time delay (approx 1000 years of Brahma) between the first appearance of the living beings after the Universe had been created. Even after taking this time delay we can calculate that the age of human beings and civilizations is billions of years old (at least 3 -4 billion). Most of the facts mentioned in the Vedas can be proved scientifically. Almost everything mentioned in it can be seen to be true now; then why not the age of civilizations? 
Okay, It can be believed that civilizations existed millions of years ago but we still have to search for the “cradle of civilizations”. In which country should we begin the search? Through my next posts I shall prove that search for the origin of civilizations should be conducted in India. The Vedic Civilization is the origin of all civilizations. The Vedic civilization is now accepted as the origin of all civilizations by most countries but the search for the true root of the Vedic civilization in progress. Most countries claim that the Vedic civilization originated on their soil first. The global existence of the Vedic civilization is now agreed by almost everyone. As the Vedas do not mention migration anywhere and as they always mention that the Indian sub-continent had always been the home to the Vedic people we have to side with the Vedas and believe that in India lies the root of the Vedic civilization. I will examine some of the parallels between the Vedic civilization and other ancient civilizations like the Egyptian, the Mayans, The Greek & Roman civilization etc., to prove that the true root is still alive and present in India.

Friday, 23 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

The polar conditions mentioned in the Vedas might be eye witness accounts or they may be allegories meant for spiritual enlightenment. Most of the metaphors and symbolism in the Vedas do seem to point to both scientific and spiritual truth. The age of Earth is roughly 4.54 billion years. According to scientific studies, the age of human beings on earth is at least 276,000 years. For argument sake if we go with the scientific studies and accept that the age of human beings is at least 276,000 years, doesn’t it seem very strange that civilizations exploded in the last 10,000 years only? If we go with the Vedas, there have been human beings and other created living organisms for 4.32 billion years. This is taking in to consideration only the present kalpa; there would have been civilizations in the previous kalpas too but they would have been wiped out during the apocalypse at the end of the last kalpa. We do often stumble upon news about artifacts that were discovered to be millions of years old.  Three days ago million year old hand axes have been discovered in Kenya as per
A 400 million year old artifact has been discovered in Russia that looks like a gear.
More puzzling artifacts that have been dated to be millions of years old can be found at
Whether we agree with the above discoveries or not a question does raise about our planet and the civilizations that have existed on it. The earth is definitely 4.32 billion years old; it doesn’t seem improbable that may be age of human beings on earth is at least millions of years old and that civilizations are millions of years old. We only assume that human civilization developed in the last 10000 years because we do not have many fossils or records that go back further than that. The influence of Bible creationism also prejudiced the early archaeologists as a result they did not even consider that civilizations could have existed 5000 years ago; we now have proof to the contrary. Doesn’t it seem possible that if our planet has been swept by a major wave of cataclysms, the surviving records would have been destroyed? Survivor’s eyewitness account would have been considered as fables and mythologies after a few hundred years.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

The Rig Veda states that the sun seems to rise from the South. The stars were not seen to rise or set but revolve around the pole completing one revolution in 24 hours. There are mentions in the Vedas about the length of days for Gods which equal 6 months and the length of night to equal another 6 months. Mr. Bal Gangadhar Tilak states in his book “The Arctic Home In The Vedasthat the duration of day and night of God refers to Polar conditions as the Sun does not set for 6 months and does not rise for 6 months. He also mentions in his book about descriptions in the Vedas about the dawn at polar regions. At the time when civilizations started to develop, the Indian sub-continent might have been in the circumpolar region instead of the polar region. There are descriptions in the Rig Veda that the sun always appeared to the south of the zenith of the observer. In the circumpolar regions large number of stars would be present constantly in the heavens with a very few rising or setting.  There are many more Rig Vedic verses that refer to phenomenon that could be observed only in the polar or circumpolar regions. For example, the heaven is compared to a wheel which is supported on an axis. To an observer in Polar region the revolution of the constellations around the Earth’s axis must have appeared like a giant wheel that was spinning on the axis. The Rig Vedas also speak about the mythical mountain Mount Meru; the sun, stars and the moon are said to revolve around the mountain from left to right. The Mahabharata mentions that the mountain is said to be covered by luster even at night which might refer to the Aurora Borealis effect. There is also a verse that describes the polar dawn as “many were the days between the first beam of light and sunrise”. Another hymn which is presented below mentions that the Sun unyoked his chariot in the middle of the heaven and stood still. It must have seen to the observer at the Polar region that after the Sun Rise, the Sun stands still for a period of time instead of continuing in its direction to set.
Vi sûryo madhye amuchad ratham divo
vidad dâsâya pratimânam âryah |
Dridhâni Pipror asurasya mâyinah
Indro vyâsyach chakrivâm Rijishvanâ ||
 Lokamanya Bal Gangadar Tilak who was a friend of Max Muller was under the influence of the Aryan Invasion Theory; he interpreted these hymns to mean that the ancient Aryans had immigrated to the Indian sub-continent from the Arctic. The Vedas do not mention any ancient home for the Vedic people. The word “Aryan” itself means “noble” or “royal” in Sanskrit and was used to describe the members of the royal family. The Vedas do not mention that people migrated to India from a distant land. If the proposed migration had occurred it would have been described in the ancient Puranas and Veda along with a description of the ancient home of the Vedic people. It is more probable that the Indian sub-continent was part of a larger super continent and was closer to the then North Pole during a remote point in history. Moreover, the present area in the Arctic region would have been in the temperate or tropical zone where the polar conditions would not have been observed.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

Geological survey reveals that the continents move constantly. Early on there was one large continent called Pangaea which later on split into two parts; Northern Pangaea (North America and Eurasia) commonly called as Laurasia and  Southern Pangaea (South America, Africa, India , Antarctica, and Australia ) which was called as Gondwanaland. After Pangaea split, Laurasia drifted northward and Gondwanaland drifted southward with the Indian sub-continent closer to the South Pole. The presence of divergent plate boundaries found in the middle of oceans or in the middle of a continent is proof of the existence of the large continent Pangaea. As the fragmented land masses moved away from each other sea water filled up the split and the continents as we know them now were formed. Ice age in Indian subcontinent and North America could be explained if these continents had been inside the polar or circumpolar zone; this would have happened when the Indian sub-continent was part of Gondwanaland. The Indian Sub-Continent was very near the South Pole and was inside the present Antarctic Circle. Refer to the following websites.
It is confirmed that the Indian Sub-continent was close to the South Pole during the Late Permian period which was around 255 MYA ago. There are many Rig Vedic hymns that describe the duration of day and night in the Polar regions. There are also hymns to describe the Polar dawn and other conditions that are unique to the Polar region. A question to explore would be, are the hymns referring to the period when Indian sub-continent was inside the Antarctic Circle or has there been a time in history when the Indian sub-continent was indeed inside the Arctic circle? Could it also be that the Indian sub-continent was inside the Antarctic Circle but there had been a 180 Deg flip in the poles with Antarctica situated at/near the North Pole? Science tells us that a 180 Deg flip in the poles is quite possible. Please refer to the following websites.
In summary, the Rig Vedic hymns which we will examine tomorrow might be referring to a remote point in history when the Indian sub-continent had been inside/near the Polar Regions. If we take it to be referring to the time when the Indian sub-continent was near the South Pole, we get the date for the Vedas in millions of years (Permian period – 255 MYA).  Either the Vedic Hymns are eye witness accounts of Polar conditions or geological studies were advanced enough during the Vedic period to have been able to explore the Polar Regions.

To be continued tomorrow.

Monday, 19 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

After the exploration undertook by Captain Cook it was thought that there was no land mass near the South Pole and that the early map makers had come up with this large land mass as they believed that the land masses near the North Pole had to be balanced by land masses near the South Pole. This was proven to be incorrect after the discovery of Antarctica.  It can also be proven that the Arctic and the Antarctic were not always under ice.  Woolly mammoths have been discovered in Siberia and an examination of their stomach contents reveal the presence of flowers like butter cups; this would only have been possible if Siberia had enjoyed warm climate. Since, the mammoths have been perfectly preserved in ice and the stomach contents have not been digested the ice age must have arrived quite suddenly.  Geological survey also shows that most part of Canada & the USA as far as the Mississippi valley were under ice at least around 25,000 years ago but the Arctic, Alaska and the Yukon territory of Canada were not covered by ice and had a warmer climate.  This was possible because the North Pole had been located at the Hudson Bay. During the last ice age, the Indian sub-continent was also under ice. The presence of ice sheets in the Indian sub-continent could easily be explained by the theory of continental drift. It can be shown that the Indian sub-continent was once inside the Arctic Circle and closer to the North Pole. There are also many Rig Vedic hymns that describe these polar conditions. In my next two posts I will elaborate on continental drift and polar/circum polar conditions experienced in the Indian sub-continent. This would push the date of the Vedic civilizations to at least the time period of the last ice age.

The Maps of Ancient Sea kings by Charles Hapgood

The Path of the Pole by Charles Hapgood. 

Underworld by Graham Hancock

The Fingerprint of Gods by Graham Hancock

Sunday, 18 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

Piri Reis Map is the name given to an ancient map found in the pocession of the Turkish Admiral Piri Reis in the 16th century. Piri Reis had written on the map that it had been drawn during the time of Alexander the Great. Examination of the map shows many peculiar features. The map shows the shoreline of the Americas. It shows the Amazon and the various rivers flowing from the Andes mountains and are marked on the map as they would be to an observer on a ship. The coastline matches between 4 Deg S & 40 Deg S latitudes.  The Piri Reis map shows the Queen Maud land of Antarctica in an ice free state. It shows  a large bay at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River in Spain; there is a delta in this region now. The Guadalquivir is not a large river and does not carry sediments hence it must have taken a very long time for the delta to form. The map also shows many islands in the Aegean sea which are not shown in modern day maps.   The question is why would a mapmaker who had drawn an accurate map suddenly create islands in the Aegean sea or invent the coast line of Antarctica? The longitude is mapped accurately on the map but the latitude is off by many degrees.  It can be deciphered that the map was drawn during the last ice age when the sea level was low and there were indeed many islands in the Aegean sea which have become submerged now. It can also be  deciphered that the map was drawn at a time when Antarctica was not covered by ice.  Antarctica remained ice free till 6000 BC and hence the map must have been drawn prior to 6000 B.C.  Many 16th century maps showed a large land mass near the South Pole. Since high level of map making does not evolve overnight it is safe to say that ancient civilizations existed prior to 6000 BC. From a source that is different from the Vedic texts we can prove the existence of ancient civilizations. Then, why don’t we remember the ancient civilizations or find any remains from these civilizations? To be able to answer this question we must examine some clues from the last ice age and re visit Earth’s precessional movement again.

The Maps of Ancient Sea kings by Charles Hapgood

The Path of the Pole by Charles Hapgood.

Friday, 16 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

According to the Vedic tradition there are 4 yuga cycles.
Krita Yuga = 1,728,000 years
Treta Yuga = 1,296,000 years
Dwapara Yuga = 864,000 years
Kali Yuga = 432,000 years
1 Chatur Yuga = Krita + Treta + Dwapara + Kali =  4320000 years
71 Chatur yugas = 1 Manvantara = 306720000 years. Manvantaras are age of a Manu.  Each Manvantara is created and ruled by a specific Manu who is appointed by Lord Brahma. 14 Manvantaras = 1 Kalpa ( 1 day of Brahma)
360 Kalpas = 1 Brahma Varsha
100 Brahma Varsha = 1 life span of Brahma; after this we get a new Brahma.
There are 14 Manus in total and according to the Vedas, we are in the time period of the 7th Manu.  We are in the 28th chatur yuga of the 7 th Manu. Let us add up to see the total number of years that have elapsed during this period of creation. At present roughly 5000 years of Kali Yuga have elapsed;  this means the Vedic civilization has seen 3893000 years of the current Chatur Yuga.  In total  civilizations have been in existence in this Manvantara for another 27 Chatur Yuga. The total number of years comes to 116640000 + 3893000 years = 120533000 years in this Manvantara alone.  This total number of years may seem fantastical. It is definitely very hard to believe that human civilizations could have been in existence for such a long period of time especially when archaeological research speaks of civilizations to have come into existence a few thousand years ago.  My next post will explore some facts to show that it is quite possible for human civilizations to have been in existence for millions of years.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

The Vedic Brahmana texts mention that the Pleiades was at the spring equinox. And even older texts describe the spring equinox as falling in the constellation Orion. By calculating the precession of equinoxes we can say that the spring equinox coincided with Orion around 4,500 BC.There are references in the Rig Veda to the winter solstice beginning in Aries; again by calculating the precession of equinoxes we reach  6,500 BC.The Puranas while describing the birth of Kartikeya describe that during the war between the gods and Kartikeya, Kartikeya was split. This refers to Kritika (Pleiades) constellation at the winter solstice and Visaka (Libra) at summer solstice. Visaka also means “split”.The Pleiades or Kritika was at winter solstice around 8500 BC. Similarly the Puranas mention that Indra stole the sun’s wheel. This refers to Jyestha being at the summer solstice around 10,000 BC as Indra is the ruler of the star Jyestha. It is further mentioned that Rohini was at winter solstice and that purvabadhra was seen to rise in the east; that is, purvabadhra was at the autumn equinox. All these refer to the year 10,000 B.C. It can be seen that the precession of equinoxes is cyclic and takes 25,800 years to complete one full circle. Hence , Jyestha was at the summer solstice in the year 10,000 BC and it would have been at this position in the year 35,800 BC and so on. Is the vedas referring to Jyeshtha at summer solstice in the year 10,000 B.C or to an earlier precessional cycle ? There is also a verse in the Rig Veda in which the Kashmir valley is described as a lake. The Kashmir valley existed as a lake around 50,000 BC! 
Astro dating of event and select vignett from Indian History edited by Kosla Vepa
Gods, Sages & Kings by David Frawley
Underworld by Graham Hancock

Continued on: Sanathana Dharma: How old is the Vedic Civilization? (

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

How old is the Vedic Civilization?

Astronomy is now used to date the Vedic civilization. For example it is mentioned in the Mahabharata that when Krishna informs Karna after his peace talks at Hastinapura, that Saturn is seen to afflict the star Rohini while Mars is retrograde to Jyeshta and reaches prograde after it goes past Anuradha. He also mentions that the lunar eclipse during the full moon day in the month of Karthika  and following the lunar eclipse, there will be a solar eclipse on the following new moon day. According to the result of astronomical calculations provided in the book “Astro dating of event and select vignette from Indian History” edited by Kosla Vepa, Saturn takes 29.5 years to complete one revolution around the sun. Between 500 B.C and 3500B.C we get 137 conjunctions between Saturn and Rohini. We can reduce the result further if we take into account the movement of Mars. Mars being retrograde to Jyestha and then returning prograde once past Anuradha reduces the set to  a list of 17 years. Krishna also mentioned that there was a lunar eclipse in the month of Karthika which leaves us with 2 dates 3067 BCE and 2183 BCE. Taking into account the day of Bishma’s demise leaves us with the year 3067 BCE for Mahabharata war.